Entry One

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         Have you ever heard anyone saying that solitude is worse then death? Well i'm saying it right now and it is. After Mom and grandma died I was alone, in my imaginary world Star Wars, Star Trek (hem, hem, Star Wars is better. We have a Yoda and they have a Spock) Harry Potter, well yeah the average fanboy stuff. Well ordinary kids wold cry at a funeral, but I didn't. 

And you would be like "That's one sadistic (big words) kid" 

The funny thing is I couldn't agree more. I'm not trying to be cheesy, but I was beyond tears. Just like that in a matter of minutes, the night of the funeral something Magical happened. I sat on my bed dreaming, I usually dreamt of escaping the world into my fandom kingdom. Today's dream was a little different, a little to lifelike for me to take so lightly. I was walking doors through these two golden doors as I heard his name over and over again.

A high and raspy "The Shadow Blower, come to the Shadow Blower, escape the darkness, for the true light is in the shadows." 

The words continued for a while and I was all like, "Darth Sidious." in my best Yoda-like voice.

Then a book opened, I think it was The Trials of Apollo Book 1, and those words came out of it. surrounding a dark eerie-like figure. wearing what I can only describe as a Cloak of Invisibility and holding a what I could only describe as a phaser. I was about to run away but he said these word in the same tone, and just like that he disapparated. 

In my alter-fanboy ego I was like "Oh my Dumbledore, This is beyond (Star Trek pun intended)."             

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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