Chapter 1: The Agency

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^^^Picture of Sapphire (Zero) ^^^

Jab - One two. Guard. Hook. Elbow. Mount. Sweep and lastly the take down. I groaned as I ended the fight, still unable to feel the pain from all the blows.

I let out a breath and pushed away from my opponents unconscious body. My fists were numb and covered in blood, mine as well as my opponents. I stood up and headed towards the bench that was lined up with every agent in my sector. I kept my head down as I walked passed the supervisor. I felt the board's eyes on me as well as everyone else's. I lifted my head and took a seat on the bench. I kept my gaze on the prison like wall and didn't dare to make eye contact with anyone.

This was a typical Sunday morning. Any other person may be lying in bed, watching the news. Or even going out for a morning walk or reading a book. Me... this is my life.

My name is Sapphire Lock, I am 23 years old and I am an orphan. I live with the agency that claimed to have 'rescued' me when I was young. However, I like to say that they robbed me from my life. They have trained me to be an assassin, to not feel any emotion or pain. To become a killing machine. Well they have succeeded with the killing part, but I still dream of my freedom. To be free from the agency and live my life to how I what to live it. I may have been on the streets when I was young, but at least I was free.

The sound of the siren signalling the end of combat training rang, pulled me out of my train of thought. Everyone got up from their position and made their way to their rooms to clean up. I sighed and got up with the rest of the emotionless murderers' and we made our way to the door. 

"Zero" the supervisor called. I stopped walking and turned my head to see him pointing towards the staircase that led to the viewing area. I bit the inside of my cheek and headed towards the staircase. The supervisor is the man that teaches us how to fight and watches our every move to make sure that every one is perfect. If it's not then you are sent to the quad's where you are hosed down with freezing, high intensity water that limit's your intake of oxygen and then forced to fight him. It's their idea of punishment to make you a better assassin.

I walked up the stairs and into the viewing area. It was a large room with a glass table placed in the middle with chairs circling around it. This is where the board members who own the agency sit and watch their 'projects' train. According to them, I am their best. There is a glass window that stretches from one side of the room to the other. It allows the board to look down on their agents while they fight. 

I stood in front of the glass table with my hands behind my back in a stance position. I kept my gaze on the wall behind the board. I heard someone clear their throat. It sounded like the CEO, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Well Zero, we were watching your performance in the ring and we have to say that you are getting better each day. Which is astonishing as we didn't know you could get any better from the peak you are at" he said. His voice was strong and dominant, it could send an army to their knees.

"Surely Sir, you did not have me called up here to congratulate me on my achievement" I said in a cold tone as I looked into his dark green eyes that showed nothing. He is an empty man with an empty soul.

He smirked at my comment as the rest of the board seemed annoyed. I've been called up here many times so they're used to my comments and sarcasm, which they do not approve of. But who cares what they think.

"Yes well, we have a job for you" he said and slid a folder across the glass table in my direction. I stepped forward, picked up the folder and flipped through it's contents.

"Gale Collins" I read out loud.

"Heard of him?" he asked. I closed the folder and held it to my side.

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