Chapter 1

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Two years later:

When I turned 17 I was very well known around the Ark. Although they never referred to me as Marcus Kane's daughter. They referred to me as a troublemaker, a lawbreaker. Many were jealous of the fact that I was never caught for my crimes. They all thought my father and his title as concil member saved me but that's not what is was, they just couldn't pin anything on me, they had no proof.

Since my mother's death I have become stronger. I taught myself to fight and survive. I used my skills to help others. I would fend for those who couldn't feed themselves. I would protect those to young to protect themselves. I wanted to free myself of being privileged, I wanted to be me. I got that chance when I met a boy. Bellamy was his name.

"STOP HER!" The guard yelled has he chased me down the hall. I made a hard left turn into another hall crashing into a hard wall. At least I though it was a wall until it started laughing. I looked up to see one if the most gorgeous creatures I have ever laid my eyes on. He had chocolate brown eyes, and a constellation of freckles running across his face. His hair was short and cut, and the ends were slightly curled. "Slow down there runner, you might crash." He looked down at me with a grin that I returned until I heard the guard yelling for me again.
"I think she went this way."
"Keep looking for her, she has to be around somewhere."
"Should we search the rooms?"
"Not yet, I don't want the others knowing we lost her just yet."

I peeked over the corner to see three guards coming down the hall. I looked around for a scape route until freckles decided to pull me into the room right next to us. When I looked around in realized we were in his house. The thing that surprised me the most was the little girl climbing out of the floor boards as we walked in. "Bellamy? Who is she?" The girl asked in fear as she finally noticed she wasn't alone. "Octavia you weren't supposed to come out yet. What if I had been some stranger."

"But you left, I didn't want to be stuck under there alone."

           As they talked I looked around the place, it was small but there was a feeling of family about it. I looked back to the others to notice they were both looking at me. "Umm.... so hi." I stated awkwardly. "I can explain!" The boy Bellamy as the girl called him yelled.
           "What's there to explain, you're watching your neighbors kid while there at work, and before you left you were playing a quick game of hide-and-seek."

                They looked at me in confusion, surprised by my words. I could understand not many people condone the hiding of a second child. "So your not going to tell on me?" Octavia asked me.
           "Why? Did you cheat during the game?" As I said this a smile grew on her face and before I could react she was hugging me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She kept repeating it like a mantra. As she hugged me I looked at Bellamy to see him staring at me in a sort of trance, like I would disappear if he looked away.
All of this ended when the guards started pounding on the door. "Open up, we're looking for a fugitive!"
           "Bellamy" Octavia looked to her brother in fear. "What do we do?" As soon as the words left her mouth I knew what to do. I turned Octavia to face me. "We are going to play a game of hide-and-seek. You hide and while Bellamy is looking for you I'll take care of the guards." After I said this Bellamy turned to me with a look of disbelief. "But there looking for you. Why would you turn yourself in, when you could just give our secret away and bargain for a deal?"
I looked at Octavia,"She's too young for the skybox. I'm not, better me than her."
Before I knew it Bellamy grabbed me and Octavia and pushed us both to the hole in the floor. "Sorry O but your going to have to share the space today we have a guest." Octavia looked up to me as she answered her brother. "That's ok Bellamy we can hide together why you look for us." Octavia went into the hole and I followed but before I let him close the door I looked to Bellamy. "Why me?"
"You didn't run to the next guard, and your too cute to be in prison." After that he closed the floor and went to open the door. I turned to Octavia to see her eyes closed repeating a statement in a small whisper as to not be heard. "I am not afraid. I am not afraid." As she said this I felt a wave of protectiveness for the child wash over me. So I grabbed her hand and I held the scared child in my arms while Bellamy delt with the guards above.

I don't know how long we were in the hole. It could have been minutes but it felt like hours.
Knowing that if I was caught I could not only get myself sent to the sky box I would get this family killed plagued my thoughts.
           As my thoughts plagued me the lid was finally taken off of us and I was helped out by Bellamy. I looked at these two and remembered that we hadn't even been introduced. They saved me and they didn't even know my name. "Well now that that's over how about we have introductions?"
   "My names is Octavia Blake." Octavia said as she came to hug me again. "Bellamy Blake." Bellamy looked at us with a smirk like he knew something I didn't. "Well my name is Pheonix Kane. It's nice to meet you." After knowing my name Octavia looked at me in awe as Bellamy seemed confused. Before I could ask him why Octavia jumped in. "Your name is pheonix?" I nodded to her question. "Your named after the bird that sets itself on fire and then grows from the ashes right." " I am, but how did you know? Not many people on the Ark remember such tales."
    "Our mother like to remind us of those tales. Octavia it's time for you to go to sleep, i'll escort our new friend home."
"Okay, goodnight Bellamy. Will I see you tomorrow pheonix." Octavia looked at me with hope in her eyes and I couldn't say no. So I nodded my head yes and watched her jump with happiness as she went to sleep.
After Bellamy put her to sleep we left his house to walk to mine.
"What's the daughter of concil member Kane doing breaking the laws?"
"I don't find the no second child law fair. Sometimes you can't control how nature works on the female body. If you could no one would be killed for it."
       "So you really will keep this a secret? Your not going to go home and tell your dad are you?"
I looked Bellamy in the eyes to show him how truthful I was. "I would never and will never tell on her. Plus if I did I would have no one to play hide-and-seek with now would I."
"No you wouldnt."

After Bellamy took me home I went to see them everyday. It sort of became our thing. I would go to there house to hang out until Octavia hade to sleep and then Bellamy would take me home.

Who knew that one run in with the guards would lead me to the best thing ever.
A family.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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