2. Beyond the Milky Way

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I can't figure out whether I should laugh or cry for what I had heard the other day still heavily clings to my mind, while I am desperately trying to keep up with the news. My life radically changed as my purposes are totally different now than they were before; all these happened during a conversation with my friends! And it only lasted for ten minutes...

Yesterday morning seemed just as dull and tiring as any other! I guess this is what any student inevitably feels when forced to wake up at 6 A.M. I don't have the slightest idea how on Earth am I going to survive this silly schedule of ours! I decided to stay in bed until 6:10 and then take a quick shower as I realized there was not enough time to take a bath and relax. I got dressed and went to the kitchen, trying, however, not to make too much noise and wake up somebody. Like usually, the fool of the family wakes up first. I opened the cupboard above the sink, took a plate and a knife and prepared breakfast for that morning. I was eating my ham sandwich when noticed a white pigeon on the still. I was trying to telepathically make it go away because I didn't want to hear my mother complain about it once more. The pigeon made no move until I finished eating and got up to make it leave. From now on you can call me "the evil pigeon hunter". I looked at the watch: 6:37 and my schoolbag was not ready yet and I wasn't fully dressed. Damn you, pigeons! With the speed of a jaguar, I did everything on the list, while my father woke up and got out of his room, whispering a grumpy "good morning". I answered, maybe a little too loud, but I was in a hurry. My friends were waiting for me and I didn't want us to miss the last empty bus because of me. So, I took my jacket and my bag and rushed through the door.

Out in the street, my colleagues, and actually the people I spend most of my high school days with, were patiently waiting for me to come down! Two tall guys, one of them with dark, long hair and the other wearing it short, were talking and laughing while I was quickly heading towards them.

- Sorry I'm late! I said breathlessly.

- Don't worry about it! We've got French, it doesn't matter if we're a little late, does it? Michael said carelessly.

- It matters to me...I like French.

- Looks like you're the only one! the two of them said and started laughing.

Yes, I do like French. I think of it as a sophisticated language that hides a little love behind each word you say. I am not exactly a romantic kind of person, who enjoys writing love letters or serenades each night when in love with someone, that, I know for sure, but "Je t'aime" sounds more beautiful than "I love you", right? I prefer French rather than English!

While we were walking to the station, Michael suddenly asked:

- We had some homework for our Physics class. Did you do it?

- Um...yeah, I think so.

I wasn't quite sure what to answer because I didn't want to give it to him. After all, if our teacher would ask him to write the homework on the blackboard and if the answer would be wrong, he would most probably put the blame on me! The proper thing to say would have been "No, I didn't get round to it", but I couldn't lie to him. Anyway, Michael didn't ask twice, like he would normally do. Michael is one of my friends, the other one is Alexander, but I prefer to simply call him Alex. We arrived, after 5 or 6 minutes of walking, at the station, only to discover that we were completely out of luck that morning. The bus was full, we couldn't get in and it was already 6:52. What were we supposed to do? Hopefully, Alex had the idea to go by tram, which was actually the only thing that saved us from an absence. It was 7:23 and there was still plenty of time left, so we went to the buffet and bought the usual: Alex wanted a big chocolate filled croissant, I wanted a chicken sandwich, while all Michael wanted was...a box of tissues for he had just caught a cold. He would rather buy that than food. Nothing out of the ordinary for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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