Chapter 5

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Gavin is crazy. That's if Gavin is actually his real name. My dirty sneakers shuffled against the dirt, making my shoes dirtier. I don't even know what to do anymore. 

I have no idea where I am, I have 8 bars of food left and about 1/4 of a bottle of water. My clothes are dirty and itchy, causing rashes against my sensitive skin.  

Anger flared inside of me as I cussed under my breath, which was probably a very bad idea considering my current position. If I were to die (which I most likely will cause I'm a moron) god wouldn't be too happy. 

I looked around and considered going into survival mode, and being all bad ass like Katniss Everdeen. She's awesome, but I don't have a bow, even if I did I have no idea how to shoot one, let alone hold it properly. 

I wondered to myself how my life would be if I hadn't killed that guy who tried to maybe rape me.

 I remembered how I used to be the most popular girl in school for my looks, and how I had all the guys clawing at my feet. 

My goal was to work at the diner and make enough money to enter a decent college and graduate, work, meet the love of my life, get married, and have 3 kids.

 I laughed at how my future turned out. 

Maybe if I travel to a different country and stay below the radar, Maybe I could fulfill my dreams. 

My heart ached at all the things I've lost. My mom, my day, my little brother, my grannie, my old beautiful little house we all lived in, which i had to sell cause I needed the money, and what was a 19 year old going to do with a two story house? 

My family died in a plane crash, while visiting relatives in Florida. 

I didn't go because It was the week of my 19th birthday and me and my ex boyfriend Chad, (who's an ass) btw, wanted to do something special and I was so convinced he was the love of my life and we'd get married one day and live happily ever after.

 Now I know life doesn't work that way. He took my virginity and dumped me, leaving me heartbroken.

  A few days after that, cops came knocking at my front door. I remember it like it was yesterday. 

Two cops stood in front of me in their flawless uniforms, one looked like a young Hugh Jackman, and the other was the stereotypical cop, with a rounded belly, and shiny bald head. 

They looked at me with sorrow and pity in their eyes and broke out the news to me telling me everything. They eventually asked if I needed anything and left.

I didn't really understand what they said until after they left.  

I didn't break down crying, or sobbing dramatically like how they do in movies when the main characters dog dies. 

One tear. One tear made its way out of my eye and I wiped it away calmly. 

Now I had to deal not only with a break up, but with the burden of my families death, which is a lot to take on for a girl who just graduated high school a few weeks ago.

I didn't eat or sleep. I just stayed awake all night, and when I rarely managed to sleep, I awoke in the middle of the night sweaty and shaking due to horrible nightmares. 

After that I sold the house and with the money rented a small, old apartment in the city, and started working as a waitress. It payed good enough money and I was content with my life at the time. 

Now look what my stupidity brought me to. 

I leaned against a thick tree and rested my pounding head. Great, just the time for a migraine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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