Chapter 6: the dream

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         Not 10 minutes after I fell asleep I was slapped awake by, none other than Yuki. I grabbed her wrist as I raised my head a little to give her a death glare while dark, hateful, aura was spilling out of me like water out of a sponge. "Ms. Cross, even though you are on the disciplinary committee between you, Zero and Ms. Freeman, none of you are going to get an education." he paused looking at my hand squeezing on Yuki's wrist. "Speaking of Ms. Freeman...Please let go of Ms. Cross's arm." he begged and I reluctantly responded throwing her hand away.
         "Stop calling me 'Ms. Freeman'" I said making finger quotes in the air. "You are making me sound like my mother." I explained as a pinch of guilt pulled at my heart I sure hope you are alright ma. I will find you soon, Sarah too, I promise. I swore to myself before looking back up at the teacher. "Just call me Alex." I demanded and he nodded,
         "Very well, now if it is okay with you...Alex, can we get back to class?" the teacher asked sarcastically and I nodded going along with the act.

        After class (I ditched detention I decided to go to the stables once more, but who could blame me? Besides the house in the woods, the stables is the only place that feels like home. And I haven't seen Aki in years, I need to tell her things like i used to, and i really didn't spend that much time with her this morning.) Going through the usual routine of getting everything ready and Aki 'neighed' in delight. I don't know how but it's like she knew that I would finally spend sometime with her.
         "Hey Aki, how are you doing?" I asked running the hard brush through her dark chocolate brown fur. She bobbed her head up and down and I let out a chuckle. "I see you still remember." I said forgetting the door is unlocked. "Well i am glad you are happy." Aki gave me a side glance and i sighed. "My life hasn't been so far." I stopped myself from explaining but Aki nudged my arm telling me to continue with the story. "Alright fine, but I can't remember very much of that night.
         "Last night I was pulled out of my dreams when I heard a noise, I sat up ready for an attack but only saw my younger sister in the doorway...Yea younger,....anyway I asked what was wrong and she said that our parents were missing. I ventured out into the hall with Sarah close behind....I-I don't know what happened but for some reason I told Sarah to run, after that everything is fuzzy and I cant remember what happened.
         "Anyway, I awoke here wrapped in bandages-" I started when Aki's head shot up. "Oh don't worry, It's nothing serious, I'm all better now. So continuing with the story I decided to run for it, because I didn't know where I was and something was telling me to go find Sarah and our parents. I was almost kidnapped by the vampires here but Zero came and saved me, even though I flipped him earlier.
         "The next thing I know I  find myself in Kaien's office, confronted him and went to sleep. And today anger got the best of me and I shouted at Yuki about my past, about being poor. That's why I came here earlier, I knew I could come here and no one would see me cry." I choked a tear falling down my face. Aki noticed, turned to me and lied her head against me in a comforting way. "Thanks girl, I needed that." I replied before I continued brushing her fur completely unaware that someone was on the other side of the door eavesdropping.
         I was gently brushing through Aki's mane when pain was shot threw my neck causing me to gasp. I instinctively reached up grabbed the left side of my neck. After a minute or so everything was fine so I was about to start brushing again when another wave of pain came over me, only this time it was worse, and my knees locked. Aki looked over to me, and even though she was a horse I could still see concern in her eyes.
         I fell forward when I felt another pain from my neck, and it was starting to get unbearable. Whats happening to me? I thought as I let out a grunt, Aki bit the jacket sleeve to stop me from falling, and lead me to the hay beside her stall. I was about to sit down when the door burst open, my eyes were beginning to blur but I knew it was Zero because of his silvery-white hair. I was about to say something but pain washed over and I fell on they hay, curling up into a ball, hissing in pain.
         "Alex!" he exclaimed running towards me. Turning me over to my back, he grabbed a small container out of his pocket, took out 2 tablets motioning me to take and my blood froze. Those are blood tablets. I stated before I shoved his hand away the tablets go flying.
         "I-I can't" I stuttered trying to turn to my side. Zero mumbled something under his breath along the lines of 'Dammit Alex,'
         "Can't you see I am trying to help you?!" he asked and I grew angry. And let me tell you, me+anger+pain=disaster.
         "You are only helping me because you have too. Watch you be like everyone else who leaves as soon as he sees an opening. All you are doing is being a good little soldier for your step dad, that's it." I snapped, he flinched and I immediately felt guilty Maybe I went a little to far? No, what I said was the truth of what I thought, and is most likely true. But is it? I argued with myself, Zero sighed before turning me on my back once more, and pinning my arms to my sides with his knees. Seeing the position we were in I blushed before closing my eyes and looking away, I felt another pain spread from my neck and clenched my teeth trying not to give Zero an opening to put the blood tablets into my mouth.
         Zero grabbed my chin and forcefully opened my mouth, like you would for an uncooperative animal, and shoved two tablets into my mouth, and closed it before I could spit them out. Little did he know that as soon as he shoved him in my mouth they went down my throat.
         My eyes closed and I started coughing trying to get my hands free. "mhmmh" I said under his hand but he either didn't hear me or just didn't care. Soon I finally freed my hand, moved his hand off my mouth and turned on my right side coughing up a storm. Finally after what seemed like forever the pills came out and I collapsed on the hay next to Zero. His face was full of concern as I fell inside the black which seemed rather welcoming towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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