Q&A Answers

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What's my favorite song at the moment?

That's a hard one cause I listen to LOTS of music but probably 9 by Drake.


How do I feel about nudes?? 😂

Ummm...I say if you aren't comfortable with showing that person your body in person then you don't need to be sending them. But it's whatever floats your boat. 😂😬

Do I wear makeup?

Yes. It will be a rare day that you won't see me without it on.

What's my type?

You HAVE to be tall and chocolate. That's about it, but right now I'm going through this light skin faze.


My favorite food?

I freaking love french fries. I could eat those all day.

Do I play sports?

I play volleyball and softball.

Am I lit?? 😂

Um...I like to think I am.

If Drake and Blake Griffin were both hanging off a cliff and I could only save one, who would I save??

First off, that is not fair at all. I love them both so much, I would not be able to choose.😂😂 the hardest question, I can't choose ONE. Trin I hate you man. Blake? Ugh.

What's my most played song at the moment?

Low key freak. 😬

What are some alternative curse words I use?

Instead of saying f*ck I say fluff. Instead of motherf*cker, I say motherfather, or motherfluffer.

Nigga isn't necessarily a bad word but my parents don't like it when my brother and I say it so we say nigglet, nina, ninja.


Who do I consider my inspirations/role models?

My main role model is Misty Copeland. She is the first black female ballet dancer. She's beautiful, and soooo talented. She was told that she wouldn't be able to be a dancer because of her body, but she did it anyways. I love her so much.

Who are some of my favorite artists?

Drake, dvsn, Jahkoy, PND, Jennifer Hudson, Majid Jordan, Rihanna, Jayd Ink, The Weeknd, Tinashe, and Tiffany Evans.

Perfect date scenario?

My perfect date is so cliché. He would take me out to dinner, and it would be romantic and stuff. Where I live there's this trail with a lake, and lights and stuff, before he took me home if  we walked the trail.


Best compliment I've ever received?

This was actually two weeks ago. I went to an old friends birthday party, and we were supposed to dress up. I haven't seen this kid since the sixth grade, but he has grown up so much and is so cute now. When he saw me he said, and I quote, "You've always been pretty, but now you're just gorgeous." I cried when I got home man.

F*ck, marry, kill. Blake, Drake, and DeAndre?

Okay, this is one of THE hardest decisions ever. 😬

F*ck: Drake, if we were married he would probs have commitment issues

Marry: Blake, he's been bae

Kill: DeAndre, sorry DJ but I'm still mad you're just now telling us about your baby

Do I trust anyone with my life?

The people I trust with my life are: my mom, dad, that's about it.

If I could be any age for a week, what age would I be?

I don't know maybe 22. I'm old enough to do more things, and I feel like when you're 21 you think you know everything. I watch to much tv, lol.


My least favorite music artist?

That would have to be anyone that makes country music. It's not my thing.

If I could change one thing about Wattpad what would it be?

Don't get me started, lmao. I wish we could have group chats on here.

Most underrated player in the NBA.

C. J. McCollum. He's really good and he deserves more attention.


Who is my favorite NBA player?

Blake Griffin. Hands down.

If I could see any two teams in the Finals who would it be?

It would have to be the Thunder and the Cavs.

Celebrities I hate?

Kylie Jenner is about it. I don't really dislike anyone else.

Least favorite NBA team?

I don't know. When the season is over I like to change my perspective so we'll see.

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