Chapter 3: Their Quiet Thoughts

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Khal Drogo looks down at his wife as he tilts his head to the side. He cannot seem to help the way he looks down at her. What in Seven Hells is going on right now? The Khal is not quite sure what to think since he has never been dealt this situation before by the Great Stallion. Why would the gods give to them their child once more? By this point in time, the Khal had all but given up on ever siring a son at all. Why would they be given the blessing of the child that they had lost? He is not sure what to do, which most show in the look on his facial features.

He is more than certain that Daenerys can see shock in the look on his facial features as he looks down at Dany once again. He cannot seem to help the look on his face since he was not expecting this development in the least. What is a Dothraki to do with what his people may see as a demon child? It is rather apparent to him that this reaction is the one his people would have since he knows that they are more than superstitious at times like this. But what is he to do in this situation? It is not as if he can turn the child is but a babe!

In fact, the Khal shudders violently at that thought as if it is the worst thought imaginable. He could not dream of ever turning a child away at any point in time. He would never be able to live with himself if he ever did something so reprehensible as letting a child die on its own. He knows that this child is his and he will die trying to make a better life for his child than the life he had if that is what is needed to be done. This thought sets his jawline into a firm line as he looks down at his wife once again.

He knows that his thoughts must show on his tanned facial features as he begins to speak. He wants to outline his thoughts for his wife so that she understands what is at stake here in this moment. He wants her to know of the thoughts on his mind and he wants to hear of hers on the matter as well. It is of vital importance to him that he hear what she has to say on the matter. He wants to have dual responsibility with each decision that needs to be made. She had ruled in his stead while he was dead, after all. She has proven herself in more than one way!

"Moon of my life...I must hear of your thoughts on this matter. It is an odd one to say the least. But know of this fact: I will not let my child die. I will do anything for my family...even die once long as the both of you are safe. The same goes for my people but I believe my thoughts on that part of the matter can be left unsaid. What say you on this child, my love?"

At this point Daenerys could only cry. This had been one of those days that dreams had come true and yet she was scared that she would wake up the next morning and it would be just that. A simple, but painful dream. The two thing that she had desired in her life were how within her grasp and after a moment she looked up at her sun. She knew what her answer would be as she was a wife and a mother first above anything else.

"I have my Sun and my little Star and I will do anything to keep you both. I want to go back to being just your Khaleesi. We will talk to your advisors. They know of your arrival and will help you figure out a way to raise your son in the way he was meant to be. As the son of a Khal. They will find a way to right this. I know they will. Before I passed out I could see them grinning at you. You will be welcomed back and the advisors can help your people accept your child."

Each word she had spoken in his language. She was Dothraki now, through and through and she knew that it was easier for him to understand and speak his own language rather than her own. Especially in these startling moments.

It was then that Little Drogo opened his eyes and looked up at his parents. Through and through, he was the son of Drogo right down to the nose and the eyes. His dark eyes went from her first and to his father's, before he smiled and let out a squeal of excitement. His tiny arms reaching for his father now. She knew then and there that the two would be inseparable. Though, she also knew that her Sun would always be there for her. That he would put her before the child, just as she would do the same for him. Not that the baby would be neglected. On the contrary. Little Drago would have the constant love of his parents and he would be raised and taught in the way of the Dothraki.

If he wanted her to help him with his people then she would. But she knew their traditions and that they would need to be strictly followed. Thus she would be tasked with raising their child during the day while he took care of political things with their people. At night he would be with her mostly. Unless he snuck away like he used to and she could put the baby down with a maid to watch him while they spent time together.

She smiled softly through her tears.

"I want to be with my family. I want to make you and my son my home. I want to be with you. That is what I want for us. To be a family."

She hugged him gently as he was now holding their Star in his arms and had an arm around her as she spoke. She wanted to make him happy and she would do whatever it took to do so. He and their son were now her life and she could not, no would not think of them as any different.

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