Who Am I?

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This is my first story don't expect it to be perfect, well actually I wrote it along time ago, but I am now just posting it. Hope you guys like it.

I hid my face with my long black hair , so no one could recognize "it". I was only 15 when this happened , I remember my parents fighting all the time, they constantly argued. I cant lie we weren't always a  happy family. It was that day I came from school excited because my dad promised to take me to the lake to fish with him, like we did when I was younger. I ran up to his room, I searched for him, but I found nothing , none of his things were there. I asked my mom " where is he, where in the hell is my dad?" She yelled with fury " your the blame, he left because of you, I hate you!". My heart sank with pain, I just stood there letting those tears fall from my eyes. When I least expected it, my mom had a pot of hot water behind her back. " What are you doing? Mom!". She threw it on my face, next thing you know she grabbed her things and left without a trace...  I ran upstairs to the bathroom mirror looking for a burn healing cream, after I put some on I noticed that this scar was going to remain forever on my face. I stood there staring at myself in the mirror. I couldn't stand looking at myself , "I'm a horrifying monster" I told myself, I punched the mirror it broke , my hand bled for a while..." I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" those words kept revolving in my head. Days passed by, but those words didn't let me sleep nor think straight.

The next morning, I woke up early going to school. I walked by "Ariel's" house, I stood in front of her house for a couple of minutes, remembering that  I had always felt this special feeling for her since I was in middle school. She was a beautiful girl, with sparkling blue eyes, long brunette hair, and that angelic smile was the most beautiful thing that I had ever saw. As I stood there she was coming out of her house, she yelled "Ethan is that you?". I ran hiding the side of my face with my hair, "she cant see this gruesome burn" I told myself. I paused before entering through the front door, I was reading the schools' banner "Home of the Sharks". Should I dare to enter the school? I asked myself. I shouldn't then I soon noticed Ariel was right behind me when I turned around to leave. "Ethan why did you run away from me earlier?" I ran away as soon as possible I couldn't let her see me like this...

Ariel decided to follow me, I turned around facing the floor and yelled "Ariel stay out of my life I don't need you or your help understand that! Her lips trembled, she yelled  back and said " you know what fine I will!!". I looked at her walk away, as she took the path back to school. I took a deep breath and continued walking my own path, I got home and threw my book bag on the floor, ran upstairs to the bathroom, while I was taking a shower I had forgot about my shift at "Mario's Diner", I quickly took a shower then dressed myself and headed straight to Mario's. I've been working their as a waiter and sometimes I would cook the meals, hopefully I wouldn't have to cook the meals today because if I did I would have to wear a hair net and for sure everyone would see the burn on the side of the face, but I'll just have to make the sacrifice because if not I wouldn't have any money now to pay the water bill or electricity bill. I was finally at Mario's, "Ethan your working at the cooking station today" Mario said, I replied "Ok sir". I went into the kitchen getting ready to put on my hair net, when one of my co-workers was disgusted by burn, she asked "Oh my god what happen to you?" I said "don't worry about what happen I came here to work not to discuss what goes on in my personal life". She answered with a disgusted face "okay". Next thing you know I was called into Mario's office and he told me" Uhh" with a twisted look on his face and said "I'm sorry Ethan but your fired , I don't want you to scare all of my customers away I am truly sorry, but here's your pay"" I replied "Its okay I understand and thank you for my money sir". I took the hair net off and threw it in the garbage. I told myself " what was I supposed to do know I had no job". I went home from their I just laid on my bed and wondered what I was going to do with my life, its falling apart and this burn was turning me into a monster.

Days passed by and I couldn't seem to regain myself. I didn't even bother to go back to school, so what was the point of me going anyway, I'll probably scare everyone away.  I went downstairs to get some water and I felt kind of sleepy, so I laid down on the couch and hours later I had awaken I finally slept calmly, since what had happened. There was a knock at the door, "Ethan we need to talk" yelled Ariel. I didn't know whether to open the door or not, I thought if she would have seen my burn  she would've run away in fear because of my burn. I said " Ariel please stop insisting" She banged on the door and said "I'm not moving from here until you open the door, I want to know what's going on". "Okay fine if you want to know so bad,  well I'm just warning you when I open this door you'll probably just run off   just like the rest of them" I said. I opened the door, she came in and asked "why would I run away from you if I love you?" I removed my hair from the burnt side of my face and grabbed her arms I faced her my way and asked her "why would anyone love me like this if I look like a monster?" She grabbed my hands and held me tight and whispered into my ear "If I loved you then why would it change now, I've always loved you since I met you in Middle school".

We talked for hours and hours, she told me something that really stood out to me " in my eyes you are perfection, you have always been, with me you won't even remember you even have a burnt side on your face" and she gave me a kiss on my cheek and I told her " with you I feel like I am no monster after all". She smiled and hugged me very tight and I guess she was tired because she had fell asleep between my arms. At that moment I finally knew who I was...I no longer need an answer to " Who Am I?".



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