Chapter 1

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I blinked once, I had just woken up. I opened my eyes, but too much brightness came in that everything looked white. Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I looked around, slightly squinting. Everything was still white. I looked at the ground. It was white. Where was I? I had no idea. The last thing I remember was...


I stood up. I wandered around, confused. I was no where. In the midst of nothingness. It was just an endless scenery of nothing. I kept walking in the direction of... Um... Straight? It was impossible to determine what direction I was heading.
Eventually, I noticed a figure in the distance. I sprinted toward the figure. As I approached it, I was able to establish that is was a human. Or somewhat-human at least.
I was soon face to face with a man who looked in his 60s. He had white hair with some evidence of his original brown hair color left over. His face looked soft, and kind. He wore an all-white robe and held a cane in his frail hands.
"Hello there," He said. "What might your name be?"
"My name," I started to say. "is... Um..."
Oh my goodness. What was my name? I thought for a second, scanning my memory, or what was left of it.
"I--I am not sure," I replied. I felt my cheeks tingle with embarrassment.
He smiled. "As I expected. I am Loro. Loro Desius. Lord of those who deserve a second chance."
"With all due respect Sir, but I don't even remember anything about anything. I mean, you just witnessed me forget my name! Please explain what is going on!"
"Ahh. But of course.You lost your memory," Loro smiled.
I started to tell him how obvious that was when he continued.
    "If you are willing to listen, then I am willing to speak," He told me, raising his bushy eyebrows.
    I nodded, the curiosity making me more and more impatient.
    He nodded, starting again. "You are dead. You had a life before this and someway, somehow you died. You had a name, a personality, a life, a family, a story. You have to find that. Find the reason of why you are dead. Find out who you are. Find how you could have prevented your death. And you may go back and rejoin your soul."
    I stood in shock. "I'm dead? But--but I..."
I stopped trying to disprove Loro's  story, because the more I thought about it, the  more it made sense. But at the same time it made no sense.
I took a breath and looked at him. "But I already have my soul. Or is this just my--"
"body," Loro cut me off, finishing my thought. "Yes, this is your body. A soulless figure you could say. When you  are ready I will send you to earth. I will send you to a place that holds some key information on who you are. You will have twenty-four hours in that place, and then I will you send you to the next. Once I have sent you to all places, you will transported back here and if you find out the required questions and fix your mistakes, you may go back to earth. Another thing to know, back in earth, time is frozen."
Startled by all the information he threw at me, I stood there stone-faced, while Loro stared at me patiently waiting for a reply.
I tried to understand what was going on. "Let me get this straight," I said. "I am dead, and I am being sent back to earth where time is frozen to figure out who I am, and if I find out enough I can resume my life on earth?"
Loro nodded, pleased that I understood the situation. "Remember, twenty-four hours. Now, just say the words and you shall be on your way."
I had one last question though. "Sir? How come I get to do this? Why are you giving me the opportunity?"
Loro smiled, and touched my hand. "Because, sometimes people deserve this. Now, are you ready?"
I reassessed the situation. I nodded yes to myself. I was going to do this. My curiosity was killing me. I took a deep breath, and looked directly into Loro's pale-blue eyes, which seemed to look right through into my head, as if listening to the conversation of my thoughts.
"I am ready," I told him, more confidently than I actually felt.
"As you wish," He made a gesture with his cane.
I felt wind surround me, I closed my eyes. I soon felt my feet lifted off the ground. I tried to open my eyes but the cold air was too strong.
    "Good bye, and good luck!" I heard Loro call faintly.
    Suddenly, I felt ground beneath my feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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