0.3 - her

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[pic of mikiji's outfit / appearance]

"ladies!" hayoung clapped her hands to gain the attention of her bandmates as she entered their hotel room. 

though they had gotten quite famous and had quite the amount of money stashed up, they were so close that the four of them actually preferred to stay in one room together.

it was well known among their fans that they shared a bed because aihana had let it slip at an accidental fan meet they ended up having (they were spotted at a mall in japan and crowded up an entire half of the second floor) when a fan asked them how close they were.

"ah," aihana had responded to the question slowly, scratching the side of her neck sheepishly, trying to keep hold on her bags. "well, we all live together in a condo, but often times, we all just sleep together in miki-nee's bed.."

the fans had gone wild at that statement and the girls hadn't heard the end of it since then, often still sending fan questions for their lives on twitter, instagram and such. 

'do you all still sleep together?'

'do you cuddle?'

'who sleeps with who?'

'i feel like kaiha and mikiji would prefer to share a bed together!!'

'kaiyoung is my otp! i hope they sleep next to each other  ♥'

of course, two of the girls had stage names - hayoung and aihana, but as usual, the preferred not to use them because using real names apparently made the fans feel closer to them.

which was fine with the ladies of emblem; they couldn't really be bothered either way.

"youngie unnie~" aihana cheered. she was the youngest of the group - the maknae, they called it in korea. ironically, though it was what aihana was referred to, it was the hardest word for her to remember.

"hana-chan~" hayoung called back in japanese with the same cheery voice to her little one and slung an arm around the youngest's neck.

"how are- kaiha!" hayoung whined, stalking over to the slightly younger girl and tugging her hair. "i told you not to smoke in the hotel rooms!"

"but onee-san." kaiha cooed, sucking up to the older female. "it's just a hotel. i even had mikiji-nee open the windows and turn on the fans to push it out!"

"sucking up isn't going to change my mind." hayoung stared at kaiha with a flat expression.

"i promise i won't smoke inside when we go back to your parent's house if you let me smoke inside here." kaiha promised quickly, dropping to her knees in front of hayoung and hugging her around the legs. she only adjusted her position to turn her head and take another long drag from her cigarette.

"...fine. but this is the last hotel you're smoking in - don't complain kaiha i'm serious. some people have asthma and shit and you could be fucking up their lives!" hayoung threatened.

"aww." mikiji grinned at her younger friend as she started to tease her. "our scary rapper hayoung cares about other people? don't let anyone else know, she's got a reputation to uphold."

"mm." aihana giggled, making her way over as kaiha stood up again and snuffed her cigarette in the windowsill. "our intimidating, cold-fronted rapper..."

kaiha snickered, "who's actually a flamboyant teddy bear."

"shut up." hayoung said in a pouty voice, looking away as she crossed her arms.

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