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Joshes pov☆
I glance to the digital clock beside my bed . Good. I closed my laptop & sat there for a couple of seconds. I could hear my mom & dad arguing faintly downstairs. " josh!" My mom yells. I quickly stood up, but then i got light headed and sat back down for a few seconds "JOSH!" My mom yelled again. I stood back up & walked out of my room ,slamming the door. I quickly went down the stairs & stood in the living room in front of my mom. "what?" I growl at her. "Nevermind with that attitude-" i look out the window while mom is yelling at me & see that bot again. He seems so nice, hes always outside sitting on his porch around this time.Moms complaining is blurred out by this boys appearance. "Josh?! Ugh. You know what? Just go back upstairs."

I took no hesitation in doing so. I ran up the stairs & stood by my rooms window. I wonder what his name is.. maybe its tyl- no not that. He looks like a .. maybe a paul.? Hm. He looks at the window and we make eyecontact for a split second. In responce ,I throw myself awayfrom the window onto the ground. I know he had just seen me.

"Hey ," i hear a soft voice yell from outside my window. Fuck. I brush myself off & stand back up. It was paul (?) "Open the window" he yells while waving his arms. I slowly slide up my window. "Um hey,?" I say to him. Im so confused. "Are you josh? Im tyler & my parents told me that theyve been talking to your mom & dad recently & said i should get to know you." Tyler.. what a nice name.. "um yeah, im josh. Ive watched you- no i mean i look- i see you outside sometimes, do you go to school around here?" He has to be so popular in school. " oh. Ive seen you too i guess. And no, im home schooled because i used to get bullied, and i have really bad anxiety." He said quietly while staring at the ground. "Uh its alright" i smile,"im home schooled too tyler." It was quiet for a couple of seconds until i heard yelling "um i have to go josh. My parents gave your parents my number so that you could contact me. See ya." He ran inside his house & i close my window. I stared out it for a couple of seconds at his house before i turned away & started walking out of my room.

"MOM!" i yell while running down the stairs. "Can you please give me tylers number?" i ask knowing shes going to come up with a reason to yell. " i tried to give it to you earlier josh, you shouldve just listened . Here" she handed me a sticky note & i ran up the stairs.

Twice As Far ; Joshler ♡Where stories live. Discover now