Telling charlie....

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Meghan's POV:
I stood out on the side of the sidewalk and waited for Charlie to pull up.

I honestly still couldn't believe I got fired for no reason... But I was also thinking about taking the job at Claire's... But I'm so use to working at American eagle, cause I literally worked there for about a year! I just don't wanna leave Charlie alone there... That's just more drama, and plus Bridget will try to get her crusty ass fingers on Charlie, and I'm not having that!!

But for now... I just wanna rest my head in Charlie's bed.

'Suddenly he pulls up, and I hop in.

"What happened?? He says worried.

"Well I kinda got in trouble... I say softly.

"Oh gosh.. How much?

"So much for me to get fired...😶

"WHAT!! You got fired?
He shouts.

"Yes... And totally for no reason!

"Wait how did you get fired??

"Bridget called me a bitch and I tore her bitch ass up!

"Meghan... NOOO why!! Would you do that???
He whines.

"Hey you know me! I don't take bullshit, and plus she was asking for it.

"Meghan! You know what this means right?


"I'm going to be all alone now!

"Yeaaa... I know...

"Dammit!!! He says speeding off with anger.

'I grip on the seat a little.

"Charlie slow down! I say with fear.

'He ignores me and continues to keep driving fast...

We finally make it back to his house, which was super quick!

'He pulls into the driveway and turns off the car and looks at me...

"What? I say softly.

"Nothing... He says getting out the car.

I get out the car as well.

I could tell Charlie was mad at me...I'm just happy we didn't crash because how fast he was going!😳

'we go into the house, and we both go upstairs.

'I take my shoes off and I lay on the bed.

"I just can't fucking believe you got fired... He says covering his face.

"Yea me too... I say.

"I honestly don't even want to work there anymore... He says scooting close to me.

"No Charlie I don't want you to quit because of me.

"Hey! Your the only reason why I got the job, I just wanted to be closer to you!

'I put a slight smile on my face when he says that.

"Babe, just please to quit.

"Well you can't stop me, because I am.

"NO CHARLIE!! I yell.

"Yes MEGHAN!! He yells back.

"Ok then if you quit, how are you going to pay the bills?

"Don't worry about that Meg.

"Well still! Your not quitting.

"Yes I am! And you can't stop me.

'I cross my arms...

"ANYWAYS... There was this girl that was talking to me before I called you, her name is Tess and she works at Claire's/ which is in the same mall, and they need some people to work there.

"So your thinking about working there?
He asks.

"Maybe... I've been thinking about it.

"Well I think you should! And plus Claire's is girly and your girly, so I think you would be perfect for that store.

"Actually I'm not that girly, in fact I was a football player when I was a kid.

"Ha mhmm... He says.

"I'm serious!!

"Sure whatever you say Meg..

"So you don't believe me?


"Ha ok...

'Suddenly I tackle Charlie to the bed.

"GEEZ miss Trainor! He says.

"See I told you! I say smirking.

"Ok I believe you now.. He says.

"Haha! That's what I thought, I say getting off of him.

'I lay back down on the bed and I go to sleep...

I hope things will be good working for "Claire's"😐😳


Hi guys hope you enjoyed! Tell me if you did?

*Give me some ideas for the next chapters*


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