Half Empty Or Half Full?

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Will wiped the counter off with the wet rag. Just then the bell above the door rang and Will looked up to see, his now ex-boyfriend Nico di Angelo. If Will wasn't pissed off before, he sure was now. "We're closed," Will growled at him and narrowed his eyes. 

"I just want a coffee," Nico said in a soft voice. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and Will knew this. "Two large plain black coffees, please." Will huffed, but made the coffees anyway and gave them to Nico. "It's on the house," Will said not meeting Nico's eyes. 

Nico took the coffees and dropped a twenty in the tip jar. Nico sat down at one of the tables and Will glared at him. "We. Are. Closed," Will barked at him. Nico sighed and stood up one coffee in his hand; he tripped on the chair leg and the coffee splashed up in Nico's face and he yelped in pain at the sudden hot liquid on his face. 

Will quickly rushed over with napkins in his hands. He set the coffee down and gently cleaned Nico's face. Will knew just how sensitive Nico was to heat. Will took the napkin away from Nico's face, and his other hand was cupping Nico's cheek. Their eyes met and Will felt the exact same way he did about Nico that morning. Will thought he hated Nico, but the truth was that Will could never hate Nico. 

Will closed his eyes and crushed his lips into Nico's causing the younger male to let out a moan. Deep in Will's stomach he could still feel his pent up anger and he knew that he had to get rid of it. He wanted Nico to hurt like he did earlier that day. Will took Nico's face into his hands and kissed him harder and he bit the black haired boy's bottom lip. Nico grabbed Will's hips, which made Will moan softly. Will bit down harder on Nico's lip, and then he tasted Nico's blood. Will started sucking on Nico's bottom lip, sucking the blood. 

Nico slid his hands under Will's shirt. Will pulled away just long enough to slip his shirt over his head. He crashed his lips harder into Nico's and forced his tongue into Nico's mouth and he sucked on it, hard. Will missed Nico, he thought that he had lost the love of his life, but no. They were there, kissing each other hard. 

Nico's hands slid up the blonde's bare chest and tangled them in his golden locks. Will slid his hands down to Nico's chest, and stopped. Then Will ripped Nico's shirt open, popping the buttons off. Will slid the shirt off of Nico's arms. Nico shivered. Will knew that Nico usually stayed cold, but he knew that the shiver was from pleasure. 

Will was pleasuring him, and he wanted to hurt Nico. Will picked up Nico by the ass, which caused a loud moan from the younger male, and sat him down on the counter. Will kicked off his shoes, then took off Nico's. Will's eyes traveled over Nico's body, he stopped and smirked when he saw that Nico was wearing his belt.

Will took it and tied Nico's hands above his head. Will knew that Nico was in an uncomfortable position, he could have put Nico down on the other side of the counter, where Nico could have laid down comfortably, but he didn't. This way, only Nico's back was on the counter, and his head hung over the side, and his lower back right against the counter.

Will took one of the coffees and put his lips in it for a moment. He sat the coffee back down and kissed Nico hard, and Will knew that the coffee would burn Nico's soft lips especially the part that Will made bleed. Nico whimpered in pain and Will smirked against his lips.Will reached over and dipped his fingertips in the hot black coffee. Then Will dragged his fingers over Nico's bare chest. Nico gasped and yelped in pain. 

Will pulled away and put his lips back in the coffee and started kissing and bite Nico's neck. Nico let out deep groan and picked up the large coffee cup. Will pulled away and poured half of the coffee on Nico's bare chest, and Nico cried out in pain at the burning of his flesh. 

Will sat the cup down and yanked off Nico's dark jeans, and boxers. Nico was breathing hard, and his eyes were shut. Nico let out a gasp, as Will took a big sip of the coffee, but didn't swallow. Will hates plain black coffee. and it made him almost gag. Will dipped his hand in the coffee and slid his hand over Nico's chest, causing the black haired boy to whimper and wince in pain. Will grabbed Nico's dick as he got down on his knees. Slowly Will took Nico's dick into his mouth. Nico cried out loudly, tears filling his eyes. Will knew that it had to hurt, the coffee was still pipping hot. Nico was sitting up on the counter, but Will shoved him back down hard. 

Nico yelped and gasped a little. Will couldn't take it anymore and swallowed the tasteless flavored coffee. Nico gasped sharply and his body started to relax. Will took Nico's dick out of his mouth and grabbed the coffee cup and stuck Nico's dick in it. Nico screamed at the burning pain, and he wanted to bolt up , but he knew that Will would push him back down. A part of Nico wanted to scream at Will to stop, but the other part wanted to know what Will would do next. 

Will took the coffee out from between Nico's legs, and dumped it right in the middle of Nico's chest. Nico screamed even louder and fought against the belt that held his hands together. Will pulled off his jeans and boxers and grabbed the other cup of coffee. He stuck his own dick it and climbed on top of Nico, and pulled the smaller boy's body down, so that his head was on the counter, not hanging over it. Will thrust his dick into Nico's open mouth. Nico sucked on it hard and licked. Will knew that Nico loved plain black coffee, it was his favorite, but Will couldn't stand the taste. 

Will pulled his dick out of the younger male's mouth and got off of him. He turned Nico around and poured half of the other cup of coffee down Nico's back. Nico yelled and whimpered in pain, as Will smirked. Then, Will thrust his dick hard into Nico's ass. Nico gasped and threw his head back moaning. Will started thrusting into Nico, harder and faster. As Will continued he started breathing more heavily and broke a sweat; Nico moaned very loudly and gasped with each thrust. 

Will groaned as he came deep inside of Nico, and Nico moaned louder and came as well. Will rolled Nico onto his back and took the belt off of his hands. "Please tell that he means nothing to you," Will begged with hurt in his voice. "Please tell me that there was more to the story." 

"Yes," Nico whispered, tears escaping his eyes. "I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen." Will no longer felt angry, he felt bad for hurt his love. "I am so sorry," Will whispered. "Please take me back." Will begged.

"No," Nico whispered. "Not after what you just did." Will could feel a few tears rolling down his face. Will reached over and grabbed some creamer and covered Nico's chest in it. Then Will licked it all up,and put some creamer on Nico's dick and licked it all off as well. 

"Okay," Nico whispered and smiled a little. "I will take you back on one condition... If we continue this at your place..." 

Will smirked, knowing that he had won. 


So... Uh wow this is awkward... Please vote, and more importantly comment! Also... Should I continue this...?

The Coffee Fic (Solangelo) (Completed) (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now