Chapter 3: Lunch date without knowing

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Reader~Chan's POV
"Haha! You have a lot to learn, kiddo!" Sans exclaims as he leads me to Grillby's, a small bar-like restaurant. We sit by a jukebox, playing a really cool song, sans simply says that he calls it his song. I laugh.
"So... What do you want to eat?" Sans stutters. I could have either a burger or fries. I chose (y/c).
"..." Grillby's stares at me and then sans back and forth for a few minutes, then he gets Sans a bottle of ketchup and hands me hands me my food.
"Hey... Are you ok?" I ask sans.
"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry!he says with a smile. I could tell it was fake.
Sans POV
"Hey... Are you ok?" She asks me.
"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry!" I say with a smile. She gives me a suspicious look then turns away to finish her meal. I take a drink of ketchup.
"Dear Asgore, kill me know. I don't know how much longer before Gaster takes over."
Now the tables have turned, he might become Gaster! Sans...
"Welp, I gotta go." I say "Papyrus gets cranky without his bedtime story."
"Oh... Ok." She says "Hey, can I come home with you?"
"Ehh.... Sure?" I say
"OMG!! IS SHE ASKING ME TO TAKE HER TO MY HOUSE?!?" I think to myself.
"Sans...? Are you ok?" She waves a hand in front of my face.
"Y-Yeah! I'm fine are you fine. Hehe." I say
Holy crap what did I just do?
"Ok... Let's go! I'm getting kinda cold." She says
I take off my jacket and put it on her.
"Ok... Let's go! I'm getting kinda cold." I tell Sans.
I look at the little monsters running around a tree and then I feel something warm being put on my back. I look at it. It's San's jacket.
"S-Sans! You need this! It's for your own health!" I exclaim. He puts a bony finger over my mouth.
"It's for you, little dove." He says
"S-Sans? What is going on?"
"Whatever do you mean, sweetheart?"
"Sans?" I ask
Sans POV
"S-Sans? What is going on?"
"Whatever do you mean, sweetheart?"
"Yes, doll?" I ask
"P-please s-stop. You're s-scaring me."
"What is happening to me?" A familiar voice rings in my head. "Snap out of it, Sans! You're scaring her!"
"You're under my control now, sans. Give a few days before you completely change into part of me and a little part of you." Another voice rings in my head.
"Dad, please stop. You know that I don't want to do this. You're making me scare her."
"Does it seem like i care? No, not one bit. I will leave but remember,you're my son and you will be a part of me."
"Just please, get out of my head. I want her to be safe."
"... Too late!" The second voice says before I see a yellow light blinding me. Knocking me and y/n both out.

Sans x Reader~Chan: Unforgettable LoveWhere stories live. Discover now