Chapter 3

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Author's Note:

I know that Jordan keeps passing out all the time and stuff. That is just what I thought I would write about, so I did. I don't think the whole story will be like that, but for now, this is what is happening. So... Enjoy.


Ah. Craig's arms were enveloping me in calm and warmth. I felt amazing at the moment, but I didn't want to open my eyes in fear of him leaving me. As I slowly came to my sense once again, I realized that Craig wasn't embracing me like I had imagined. Eyes still closed, I could not feel his strong, muscly arms wrapped around my waist. There was only a cold, blank space. Disappointment and embarrassment flooded through my veins as I scolded myself for thinking such thoughts about my best friend. Heat flushed my cheeks, and I heard a huge sigh of relief, and then an "Oh my god, she's awake." My eyes opened to the most beautiful sight. I was staring straight into the deep green eyes of Craig Ferner. I looked down to find him holding my hand tightly. He looked very relieved and elated at my sudden awakening. He looked tired, and his face was puffy from crying. A good sized pile of gifts had been building up in the corner of my hospital room. A vase of wilting roses sat on my bedside table. I was very surprised to feel little evidence of my sudden illness. I only felt very stiff and sore. How long have I been out?

As I took in my surroundings, I discovered that I was laying in a hospital bed. My ratty jeans and t-shirt were replaced by a white nightgown. I hope my butt isn't exposed. Yeesh. It sent shivers own my spine just thinking about the embarrassment that would ensue. Craig would never let that go. Oh yeah, Craig. I gazed back up into his striking eyes.

"Uh, Jordan?" He asked. Oh, he must've asked me a question.

"Sorry, what?" I muttered. My voice sounded like I hadn't spoken in years. I cleared my throat and returned my stare to Craig's features.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, the familiar look of worry threatening to make a reapperance on his face.

"I feel really sore. What year is it?" I dared to ask, not really wanting to know the answer.

The pause that followed was agonizing.


I couldn't breathe. I passed out the afternoon of October 24th, 2013.

I was in a coma for two years.


Holy crap this is a short chapter. I didn't really think it was THAT short. I thought that this would be a cool place to stop. I promise that the next chapter will be longer. A LOT longer :3 Until next time.

Happy Reading!


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