PUNof the day 9.

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Ok guys it's that time of the day where we find out..........jk no I am not going to introduce the pun like that. Without further explanation please enjoy this pun.
(On cell phone talking to a cousin)
Me: hey I heard you were coming to MA CITY
Cousin: Oh yeah but why did you call me just like that? I mean WE HAVEN'T TALKED IN QUITE SOME TIME!
Cousin: it ok tho, one I get there we will have a fun time in your city and we will feel YOUNG FOREVER.
Me: ok don't even think about make puns better than mine cousin because when u come here you will die!
Me: just kidding 😂😂😂
Me: bye c you here and when you get here we will have some TAE with KOOKIES AND BACON😂bye cousin.
Hope u enjoyed that but this is actually true one of ma cousins is coming to visit all our family that is here in our city so just have to wait for that, well then bye-Hilary

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