Prologue - ✦ In Dreams We Meet ✦ Part Two

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Alexander Samuel Sparrow had trouble sleeping well that night, he woke up earlier than usual. He would wake up in 6 A.M sharp, but this time, this time it was different. He got up stretching as he picked up his alarm clock.

"Four in the morning?What in the name of George Washington?" He scratched his head still confused by his dream, that made him wake up.

"Strange, never dreamt of being a girl before, I wonder did I drink too much tea?" He scanned his own room. Maybe there was something in it that made him like this?

"Now Alexander, don't be paranoid, ghosts do not exist." He took a piece of paper quickly, writing the dream down so he won't forget the details.

"Why am I writing this particular dream I had last night? Well it certainly isn't like any other dreams I had. It didn't contain science nor any political matter, I feel like the brain is filling me with unexplained fantasy that I did not experience in a long time, ever since my mother died and my dad took care for me, along with my younger sister, Liliane. Things did not change ever since we moved in London and it does not even get better. I had to grow up really fast, my birthday is in two months and I will be eighteen by then. I got a job at fourteen, Miles Goose took interest in my history writing that what he had called it 'Beyond the mind,' but that is not the point in writing this. No, I am writing it because this dream showed something unusual and impossible: I was transformed into a girl, can you imagine that foolishness?Also I keep remembering the name Crystal? Sounds like a girl's name, but it keeps slipping off my tongue, well that is what I get when I drink too much tea."

Alexander wrote his signature on the written piece of paper and putted it into his journal of accomplishment under the section imagination. He smiled to it as he noticed he had two more hours before he needed to go back to work. Alexander closed his journal and went to bed. Waking up this time by his alarm clock he got up, got dressed, ate something little and went outside only to be accompanied by his neighborhood friend. "Alexander top of the morning to you." The man wore a black coat that matched his black hat and his mustache he was so proud off. Alexander rolled his eyes as he opened his book that was titled The Way of Living With Idiots.

"Good morning to you too Mr. Ruby." His voice was filled with venom as he despised the man that was about to take his family house. Of course, he won't take it unless Alexander does not do his job.

"I assume that you wrote what I was looking for Alexander." The man sent him a mischievous grin that made Alexander sick.

"Yes I did sir, here you go." Alexander handed him the papers that he worked on for days, Sir Ruby was one of the most appreciated men in London, also know as his botanic manners that made medicine rise.

Alexander was only glad that he got out of reach from the man.

Great today is Saturday, today I have work only for 3 hours. Sweet mercy I can study for my history test, and I can go out with my family for, well, 1 hour?

Alexander thought happily planning his day, Alexander was about to graduate before turning 14 but his father refused, telling him that for that he needs to go far away from him since they offered him the best college that was in Europe or America. Alexander in the end agreed with his father and decided to finish his high school first before going to college. And he thanked God for that too, Sir Ruby was about to take their house until Alexander negotiated with him about writing his essays that he publishes on his own hands while Alexander writes in the shadows. Also Alexander was thinking about the dream and the girl named Crystal all the way to work. Perhaps they meet somewhere and his mind remembers her?

(Hiii guys so this is OwlStream :D as Char said we are writing this book X3 Char will be writing about Crystal and I will write about my oc Alexander :,D enjoy!?

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