chapter Two

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    Sometimes things don't happen the way we want them to but they happen exactly the way Allah wants it to...

     He holds my hand and I still "where are you going?" He asks.

"I'm going to my room" I pull my hand away or rather try to pull my hand but he twists my arm forcing me turn and face him "release me" I scream.


  Still holding my hand he moves closer so we are almost hugging with my hand trapped behind me. His piercing black brown eyed gaze is on me. "Release me" I scream again and he pulls me closer still making my chest collide with his own. "Please release me" I try again more calmly and miraculously he releases me. I scowl as I hear him say "that's more like it." His eyes roam over my body slowly, is he checking me out? I see his eyes change dramatically from black brown to stark black in a flash, suddenly the tension in the room is palpable. He bends, picks my robe and throws it at me "eager for the wedding night are we?" He asks.

Rage pumps into my veins and before I can stop myself I slap him, hard. His expression changes from a smirk to shock and a hint of embarrassment I think but instead of lashing out as I expected he starts to laugh. His laughter is music to my ears despite the fact that he's a bastard, it's doing strange things to me and I'm not liking it.

"Mr Imran" I say pointing a finger at him "before you start getting any ideas I came to tell you that I won't, note the stress on Won't marry you. You are here as our guest, behave like one and we'll be good okay?"

I wait in anticipation for his answer, he looks like he's contemplating something, after a while he moves closer and then says "Sapphire, that is your name right?"

I wonder where he's going with this, the sinking feeling in my gut tells me I won't like his next words but I nod in affirmation, he arches a brow and says a little too calmly  "Sapphire, that's the name is it?"

"Yes, that's my name"

"Good when I ask you a question you fucking give me an answer understood?"  I nod and then say yes. His body towering over me is intimidating plus the look on his face so it is difficult to act unaffected but I call in all of my inner strength and pretend boredom.

"Whether or not you want it, this marriage will surely happen, and" he snaps his thumb and forefinger leaning closer his voice a low pitch, I can just make out the underlying rage and it scares me shitless "Don't you think for a second that I've forgotten that day, I haven't forgotten for a single moment since that day four months ago and today's slap also, that's all the more reason to destroy your life. It's a pity your parents named you Sapphire, you sure don't deserve it."

I look up immediately some of the anger returning but before I can speak he continues to speak "Yes, you're not deserving of such a name, you don't worth it, you are as valueless as dirt." I keep looking at him like he's lost his mind and when he keeps staring at me I realise he's waiting for my devastated look but I wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing me devastated. I give him a sweet brilliant Sapphire special smile and the look on his face is priceless. I knew he told me all this to intimidate me and I wasn't really expecting him to say he'll start packing his bags plus I really want him to stay long enough for plan B where the fun really is. What does he think of himself, betrothed my foot! Starting tomorrow your life will be hell Mr Imran. I can see that my smile really cut him off guard and that makes my smile more genuine. I'll make sure you leave my house and life forever. I turn and walk to the door, open it then turn and give him another Sapphire special smile "Goodnight Imran" I close the door behind me leaving him confused as to my change in attitude. I get to my room lock it and hop into bed, I feel restless, mischief and the thrill it brings me is making sleep the last thing I'd like to do now and you're right Mr Imran, my parents didn't choose the right name. Say, I should have been named Nagin or Venom. You'll know just how much of a mistake they've made all in good time. Come morning!


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