Me and Baby

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Me and my baby have been together for 8months now she can be daft sometimes but that is why I love her she has been the best girl that I could of ever asked for we have had a few arguments but that does not matter because no matter what is said between us I will still love her no matter what and she knows that  even tho sometimes she thinks that I am going to leave but that will never happen because she knows that I will always be there for her and will stay by her side sometimes we have some bad times but we get through it even tho I have said some things that she does not like but I never mean anything I say to her I love her more than anything in this world and there is only one thing that scares me and that is if she leaves she says she won't but o just hope she sticks by her word I just don't want to be replaced by another man because she knows what it will do to me if anything ever happens to her she knows I will be there for her babe I love u so much I just hope you know that just do one thing for me please babe don't leave me baby i love you so much babe

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