A tag!

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I was tagged by wastethenjght so here I go I guess I have to post a selfie and answer some questions then tag others I have like 0 friends so oops

I was tagged by wastethenjght so here I go I guess I have to post a selfie and answer some questions then tag others I have like 0 friends so oops

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here's your fave ashton trash

okay so um here are the questions, questions by wastethenjght
1. If you write what made you start writing?
I've always loved writing, I think I started because I wanted to create my own fantasy of my fave because everyone portrays them differently so i wanted to portray them as I thought they would be
2. what is your favorite album?
I really really like the American idiot album, but I also love SGFG
3.whos your favorite female artist?
I'd have to say Halsey or Melanie Martinez
4. Would you rather meet 5sos and them not know your name or never meet 5sos and they know your name?
I think personal I'd rather have them know my name because even if I don't meet them physically it's good to know that they know who I am
5.do you have a favorite actor/actress, if so who?
Does Harry styles count?
6.what is your favorite color?
My fave shade is black but actual color wise it's blue :-)
7.if you weren't born in your generation what generation would you be born in?
I've always been told I had an old soul so maybe 70-80's ish
8.favorite 80's band?
9.how many posters do you have in your room if any?
I have a whole wall filled so idk man, and like half of another one.
10.do you have a hidden talent?
I can do a dance move really good, it's called the sit down, I'm pretty good at it.

Okay so time for my questions
1. What genre of music do you like most?
2.Fave Blink-182 song if you have one
3. Date your fave or become bestfriends?
4. Fave artist?
5. Fave classic rock band if you have one?
6. Choice of shoe brand? (Converse,vans,etc...)
7. How many band tees you own?
8. Any concerts you've been too?
9. Biggest fear?
10. fave song atm!

I tag everybody who wants to do it :-)

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