Happiness and suicide

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I can barely remember when there was a time that I was happy. I guess that last time I was happy was when I was in fifth grade and my mom and dad took me to a carnival with my best friend, Carlie. Then the next day my mom went to the hospital because she had a terrible headache and started having seizures. She came home the next day and told us she had a brain tumor. That's the last time I was happy. Now the only memories I have of my mom is her in the hospital with my dad sitting next to her crying. I remember her funeral very clearly, my dad didn't go because he couldn't handle my mom dying and stuff. I was 11 when all of this was happening. I remember my mom's sister crying and her mom not letting go of the casket. All I did was sit in the back trying not to cry. After my mom died pretty much everything went downhill. Carlie's parents got a divorce and she moved with her dad to Canada. My dad started drinking and beating me for whatever reason he felt like it. Remote ran out of batteries, he beat me. No more milk, he beat me. I had no one anymore. My mom was dead, my best friend was in Canada, and I got beat daily. I never thought about suicide much until I saw the razor just sitting there...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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