As a little girl...

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I wrote stories about fire and water

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I wrote stories about fire and water

Here is my favorite one that I wrote when I was 7

Fire and Water used to be alike. So they got along quite nicely. They were in peace for thousands of years, sharing land and food with the people. They were perfect

Except for one thing

Fire was a harsh soul. Blazed with anger everyday. If they did not get what they want, they would burn them to the ground.

Water was gentle, fragile to other people. She was sweet and healed what the Fire had done. She was known as a goddess to the people, and they praised her everyday

But Fire did not. Fire was angry when they praised her. Water was always higher than her in everyway. Fueled with anger, she burned her village to the ground and destroyed everything in her path.

Water healed all the injured citizens, and wiped the fire away from the homes. They praised her even more.

Finally, Fire had enough. She killed Water, but noticed something.

Everytime they touched, a small gas would appear. She eventually sacrificed herself to kill the goddess. They both died.

But Water turned into a new being


Vapor pleaded to the cloud god, who protected every creature. Vapor pleaded that she would protect the people. The cloud god accepted, but only price.

Everytime another being, her same species, Vapor, would come to the heavens, they would have to be judged. Vapor accepted, and she returned to earth.

The Cloud god poured rain down to the earth, creating more water people. They all praised their creator, Water.

And Fire was never heard of again

I have another one where Water and Fire boh loved each other, but if they touched, they could never be together.

These stories represent Anxiety

People are the water, and I am the fire.

If I try to interact with them, I just cant and I breakdown into nothing

Now I don't mean like "im a harsh soul" I mean like literally

I cannot fully interact with people in real life until we have met each other and know each other well.



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