Chapter 11:New Information

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Chapter 11:New Information


I was shaken up by the dinner bell while sleeping, I woke up Piper.

Piper: Are you alright? It's just the dinner bell. Having bad dreams?

Me: Now that you ask, I had no bad dreams.. How strange....

Piper: It's better to see a shaken up guy woken by the dinner bell rather than a karate goat.

Me: You got that one right.

We cleanse ourselves while Leo was waiting outside.

Leo: Okay guys. You need to go out now or else you'll be shrunk like a watch..

All of us were outside and I was surprised that Nico was outside.

Me: You're coming with us?

Nico nodded.

During dinner, I never saw Percy so happy during dinner time. Since Rainheart came in, he never frowns again.

We ate our dinner and burned some offerings. When it was my turn, I said:

Me: Dad, if you're listening or watching. Grant me wisdom.

I threw the food and it really smelled good.

Chiron walked in smiling,

Chiron: Well, everybody. Let's get outside and get ready for the campfire. You will hear the new prophecy line during the campfire. So double time!

I surely rushed, because as a leader you need to set a good example. We went outside and sat down waiting for the prophecy.

Rachel: I heard that you want to hear the prophecy. Well,

3 kids went in gave Rachel a foot stool and a chair. They are SO ready for this kind of events.

" Through the camps, you will prove you're the best.

But beware of the throne, that will make you left out like a pest.

Free the soul of one stranded, with a price to pay.

And decide if you accept your destiny, for you have gone astray.

Neither you lose or have the love by the ruler of all.

One of you will be the greatest half-blood of them all ".

The bell rang bedtime.

Chiron: Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Nico, Hazel, Frank, Coach Hedge and Rainheart. Come with me.

We went to the Big House for a meeting. When we went in Rainheart first spoke up.

Rainheart: Can I ask a question?

Chiron: Yes my dear. What is it?

Rainheart: The prophecy says through camps. I thought there is only Camp Half-Blood. Is there anymore?

Percy: Jason can you explain.

Rainheart looked at me expecting an answer.

Me: There is another camp for Roman half-bloods. It's called Camp Jupiter.

Rainheart: Can we go there tomorrow? I want to explore the other side.

Chiron: Sure, they also need the new information of the prophecy. You can set sail tomorrow.

Rainheart: How many days or hours will it take to get there?

Leo: Approximately 2 1/2 days travel.

Rainheart: Alright (stands up) good night everyone.

Rainheart walked out while writing in her notebook.

Me: So that means a sign of sleep. I'm going now.

We all took our sleep.. I'm really bothered by this dreamless sleeps because it's very rare for heroes like us.

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