2 - Tomorrow

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Little boy and little girl grew up
They formed the same group of friends
But never really talked
Little girl forgot about little boy
And little boy was hurt

Little girl and the new kid
Now had a relationship
And little boy was hiding behind them-
In the darkest part of the room, crying
No one noticed little boy
And he was hurt

Another new kid came in
And little boy noticed an attraction-
Between the new kid and little girl
Little boy was angry but never did anything
Little girl was confused
Little girl was torn
But little boy was there helping her to choose-
even if it hurts

But then little girl's choice was wrong
Her choice it made little girl cry
Little boy comforted little girl
Not minding his little heart's cry
Little girl was hurt
But little boy couldn't do about it

Little boy realized that-
he and little girl are just going to be friends
So he decided to give up
And tried to find a new love

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