Chapter 2

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Pic of  Lia above 🙉

Previously:I ran at the door and when I opened it I saw...

My best friend Lia was standing outside. When she saw me she gave me a tight hug. " Good morning Alex!!! How are you? Did you sleep well? Are you nervous? Are your parents inside? Well you see I'm a little anxious for today and-

"Woah, hold on there, come on in  and yes i slept well and yes my parents are still inside." I giggled at her behavior. I always know when she is nervous or she is hiding something because she starts talking extremely fast and asks many questions at the same time.

"Sorry, it's just that I drunk too much coffee in order to wake up and now I am a little energetic" she told me as she stepped inside the house.

" I can see that" I laughed and soon she joined me." Let me get my jacket and we are good to go" I said and went upstairs grabbed my leather jacket and rushed downstairs to the kitchen. " Mom! Dad! We are leaving I will see you there!" I said and went outside with Lia.

" Ok sweetie have fun, say hi to Lia for me ,we will be there and remember what I said!" She said as she waved at me . I just nodded and got inside Lia's car . Lia is 18 years old so she can drive , I can too but my father says that is dangerous. Pff overprotective parents these days...

We pulled off outside the pack house and started heading straight to the training field which was at the back.

"Alex, Lia! You are early today!" Tyler shouted at us from across the field. Tyler was one of our close friends along with Lucas but he was not here yet. Tyler had black hair with green eyes,he and Lucas are too 18 years old like Lia.I am the smallest of the group which makes them call me many names and let me say that I hated it but I endure it because they are my childhood friends and would never hurt me.

I am the smallest of the group which makes them call me many names and let me say that I hated it but I endure it because they are my childhood friends and would never hurt me

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Pic of Tyler above 😍

"Yeah ,well Alex here was so nervous that she said that we should arrive to be ready" she said looking at Tyler.

" Wait whaat??" I said taken aback. "Oh no you girl were the one that came  and said that you were anxious ,so don't get me started missy!" I replied with a winning look because we all knew how nervous Lia can be.

" I can imagine that" Tyler said while he was giggling.

" Fine fine let's just train a little so I can get my mind off" Lia replied as she started walking to one of our teachers.  As me and Tyler followed Lia we spotted a boy with blond hair in a corner with a teacher training. Wait I would recognize this boy anywhere... Lucas!


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