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ola! been reserching, viewing videos, serching things about some british stuff and i hope it'll help me improve my story. so. yeah. just keep reading and voting even. and other forms of liking you can do. so. just keep on reading and just go with my errors and enjoy the story somehow. Cherio! learned that from a youtube video by the way! <: thanks youtube! :))


It's saturday. and i don't know what i'm doing in the mall. But yes, i'm in the mall. =.= I'M IN THE MALL! I'M IN THE MALL! I'M IN THE MALL! OK. I'll shut up now. 

No. i'm not gonna shut up because first of all, i'm narrating the story. so back to work now! 

ok. so i'm in the mall wiv my sister ely and i don't even have a clue onj what we're doing here or what i am doing here at least because ely told me that she's gonna meet a hot guy that she really fancies! so now, i'm stuck in the mall with my sister waiting for her hot date to arrive instead of solving some problems and some math stuff and checking my assignments and some school stuff. i'm the presidente of le mathematica by the way. it's our club. you know. weirdos and geeks always meet at that club. so yeah.

"you know ely. i should really get going. you know i gotta do some paperworks and send them to and i really need to finish reading city of bones."-that's me really making some dumb excuses just to get home

"you know ady, you should really try to explore sometimes."-ely

"i'm exploring. not just in a mall. what things shall i explore in a mall?"-me

"err? dunno? you could use some new clothes. shopping?"-elyell

"hell no! we don't have the same taste!"-that was me totally disapproving

because you know, ely likes to wear these pink tops, pink skirt, pink headband, pink everything! i think her panties are even pink. so no. i'm much more into turtlenecks and glasses and those hipster dos and gothic dos sometimes so, that's pretty much me.

"oh. i'm gonna leave now. i really need to go. i have to.. you know. err?"



"okay. you can go take a dump. i don't wanna go around the mall with my sister who just took a dump so yeah. here's the key to the house. don't forget to lock the house when you leave. ok? just in case"-ely

"oh! i assure you. i'm not gonna leave the house. like i said, i'm gonna do some works and read city of bones."

so i took the key from ely and waved her goodbye.

as i walk dout of the mall. again, i ended up deciding to go to tthe cafe across the street. Again! so yeah. here i am sippin on my ice cold coffee reading my favorite book city of bones which i always had in my bag but never told ely. so i started reading

and reading

and reading

and reading

and reading

really reading

someones tapping

someones tapping the table

someones really tapping the table

my table

which is really making me lose my concentration


still tapping

"what the hell!?"


OMFG! no. i didn't react that way!

"Hi!"-the unknown man said

"oh. not with your guards anymore?"-i said in a joking kind of way

"obviously. ii'm not."

so trying to be rude eh? i placed my book in front of my face so he won't see my face and i won't see his face. but i felt him slowly sitiing down in my table,


"What are you doing sitting in my table?"

"err? nothing just. uhmmm./ sharing it with ye? i guess? is it fine?"

"yeah. sure."

"the name's zayn? isn't it?

"yeah. and you are?"

"uhmm. err. ad adea. adea hollingsworth."

"zayn malik. nice to finally meet you." 

and he offered a hand to shake and i shaked it. yeah. hey hey hey. i don't want to be impolite.

"i knew you'll be here."-zayn said


"wait. WHAT?! I exclaimed."

"yiur sister texted me. said you two are in the mall."

Oh ely! never missed!

"OH." that's just all i said

"so what's your number? your real number?"

"err? what real number? That, was my real number."

"oh really? i figured months ago that it was ely's. don't lie to me babe."



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