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Diana POV

I wake up at 4 of the morning just to look at the sky and see the sun rise. I just like looking at the sky and think about the day.

I sit down and smiled to myself. This two years of being successful in life have been great. I couldn't been happier.

The door open and it was my mom. Me and my family now live in Los Angeles. We got bored of Miami so we moved.

We're really happy. Even though I don't spend that much time with them but I send them money.

" Diana wake up, You have to get ready" My mom said getting inside my room and walk to my bed

" Mom I'm getting there so can you please leave my room?" I asked nicely to her

" Yes I'll leave you alone pero avanca" My mom said exiting my room

I walked to my closet a grab my outfit for the day. Today I have to go to Miami. Me and the girls are getting reuniting again. This time were staying together for 8 month.

I went to take a shower. After the shower I put my clothes on.

I walked downstairs and see my beautiful family eating. My two brothers was fighting. My dad was reading the newspaper. My mom was setting my plate for me.

" Good morning" I said all excited and sitting down next to my brother Anthony.

" So mi familia, I'm going to miss you guys a lot" I said taking a bit of toast.

" Well we gonna miss you too but avansa que te tienes que ir" My mom said while grabbing her bag

I quickly stand up and give a kiss on the cheek to my dad and a hug. I walk to my brothers and hug them.

Before I left, I went back upstairs and see if forgot something. I open the door and see Joel's sweater from two years ago.


I went to my cabin and grab his sweaters and leave one behind. I walked back out and walk to Joel's cabin.

I went inside and walk to his bed. I threw his sweaters on his face making him wake up.

" Joel were fucking done"

He didn't answer.

~end of flashback ~

" Diana hurry up" My mom yelled at me

" Ya voy"I yelled back

I grab the sweater and run downstairs. I said my goodbyes one last time before I go.

I got inside the car and my mom start driving. After 20 minute ride, my mom help me with my stuff.

" Hay Diana I'm going to miss you" My mom said looking like she wanted to cry

" Mama I'm going to miss you too but I promise to call you every night and we are going to see each other soon" I said almost crying

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