The Answer

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Aelita's P.O.V

I was nervous butterflys were rattling inside my stomach. I looked around trying to avoid eye contact with Jeremy or anyone else in the group for that matter. To my little delight Yumi walked up and stood next to Ulrich.

"Hey Guys" Yumi says all cheery but then her face turned into what I thought was curiosity when she looked at Jeremie's bewildered face. I faintly heard Yumi whisper to Ulrich.

"Hey Ulrich whats up with Jeremie today ?" She asked him. Odd must have heard to because he replied for all to hear.

"Jeremie has just been asked off of Aelita about the transfer I presume you already know about" Odd says.

There was a long silence from then we all sat at the table thinking of what we thought Jeremie's answer would be and if I was truly honest be and Yumi were the most nervous.

Jeremie's P.O.V

I sat very quiet trying to process what Aelita just told me it is true that she would be a lot safer with the transfer but what I really wondered was why she would want to give up the powers her father had given to her. No one spoke for a long while it felt like for ever. I had been keeping something for the whole group and I think now was the time to tell them. I took a deep breath and every ones eye instantly set on me.

"Guys I have a little confession to make before I give my final answer" I told them

"Well Einstein whats up ?" Odd asked a little impatient

"I have been keeping this from you for a while now but X.A.N.A has manged to implant codes in you all and these codes allow you also to deactivate the towers. I didnt want to tell you because i had to make sure but by running a few scans on the supercomputer I am sure now" I explained quite briefly.

"Wait so now Aelita is not the only one who can deactivate the towers" Ulrich questioned me

"Yes thats right you guys can also deactivate towers, does this change anything Aelita have you changed your mind about the transfer?" I asked Aelita

"It is good news Jeremie but sorry it does not I am still going with my offer to Yumi about the transfer" Aelita told me I felt a little bit disappointed by this answer.

"Aelita you do not have to do this because you told me" Yumi reassured her.

"Its not Yumi I will stand by my answer is it still ok with you Yumi?" Aelita asked her best friend

"Yeah I would do anythin to help out a friend " Yumi told her and I kinda wished she would have sayed no.

"Thanks Yumi so Jeremie what do you say " Aelita asked me again.

I sighed

"Fine I will help you Aelita but I sincerely hope you know what you doing because this is a big desicion" I told her sternly

"Dont worry Jeremie I know what I am doing and thanks for understanding" Aelita sayed to me with a big smile on her face I had a feeling Ulrich might not like the schyphosoa running after Yumi now and his face kind of showed it he looked worried concerned and a little angry all at the same time if that is even possible.....


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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