Chapter 21: I'm Not In Love...

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Michael's POV

I walked to my room and closed the door, my face as red as a beet. I couldn't believe that I came that close to kissing the man that I was deeply infatuated with. I had the chance to do something that I have been dying to do for the longest time now but Scott was just too shy.

I knew that he was worried about entering another relationship after Alex cheated on him with another man so I was worried that I may have been a bit too eager. As much as I want him, I have to be patient. Recovering from someone betraying your trust like that takes time.

Whoa. Am I in love? Well of course I am, I have a wife. But that's not the person that I was in love with. Although it should be.

I've always considered any feelings I had towards Scott a simple infatuation. Then as we got to know each other better, that infatuation got deeper and deeper. But it couldn't possibly be love. No way. Not to mention Scott couldn't possibly feel the same about me.

Plus Carissa would be livid if she found out that I was being unfaithful. Although it'd be a tad hypocritical since I was 75% sure something was going on between her and Kirstie but that's besides the point.

There's no way in hell that I was in love with Scott Hoying. No fucking way.

Denial. Not just a river in Egypt. Also, yay double post! We'll see Kirstie and Carissa in action next chapter and warning, things might get a little steamy. 😉

Anyway, as usual comments are welcome and thank you so much for reading!

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