I Dont Hate Her (4)

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It was monday morning now and Alex was still in my arms and right now i needed to pee. like really bad so i lt her off my arm really slow and welt to do my business. i wounder if there was skool today. i walked back to alexes room and she was still sleeping i think i should wake her up to tell her i have to go.

"Hey." i called while shaking alex "hey Alex"

she opened her beautiful hazel eyes and smiled.

"i have to go home now but ill see you at skool okay."

"okay. what time is it?"

"its 6:34"

"oh well ill see you at skool then"

I smiled at her and left. I woulder what it going to be like if i go home. i mean its okay there its not all that bad but i dont know some time me and my mom n dad just cant stand eachother. i think it might be the way i changed after my little sister and grandma died. we were once a happy family but after that that car accident every thing changed i mean my grandma and sister was every thing to me and now they are gone.

that stupid son-of-a-bitch fucking drinking and driving. i hated drunks yeah sure i drink but im not a idiot drinking and driving. not only that my dad is allways ptting down my mom and beating her so far this year he broke her arm and asmuch as she hate me sometimes i want to protect her from him. so far i only had to go to the hopital once for stickes behind my neck and it one if the reasons why i have long her to hid what he did to me ont only that he riped out my earing i had once. the guy is a total dick now i dont see why my mom is even with him.

i walked throu the door and i see my mom was sleeping on the couch. as i was walking up the stares as i walked past her to get to the stars she called me over

"Zack come here! where have you bin"

"I want out with a firend" i couldnt teller about Alex at least not now

"Oh go get ready for school I'll drive you to school" she's only nice in the morning and I can actually talk to her. I wonder what happen to that bastard if he is okay or not but he must be why my mom was here. Both of them are good people honestly it just when they drink witches after work ahhh I hate that they think that have to drink

What time is it right 7:48 just gunna wait another half hour or so I guess I'll tell my mom now about Alex.

I went down stairs and my mom was still on the couch looked like she fell asleep again but there's a empty bottle of pills in her hand. I ran over to her and called to her

"Mom" she isn't moving

"MOM!" I started to shake her.

"Mom please wake up!" I started to cry

"Mom I'm sorry!"

"Mom please! PLEASE! IM SORRY!"

I grabbed the phone and called 911 and they came right away. I can't believe both my parents are in the hospital what am I going to do now. I have no family yeah sure I'm 16 but I don't want to be alone. I don't think I'll go to school today I hope Alex under stands.

The ambulance arived 20 mins later coming throu the door fast and running over to me and my mom the girl moves me aside and asked me "Sir do you know what happened here?"

"I-I -I d-d-ont k-know!" i couldt help but stutter i've always had that problem since i was younger and i guess it came back

"I-I-I j-j-just f-f-ou-ou-nd a-a-a em-emty bottle of p-p-ill-ills i-i-in her-er hand!" she got what she can understand from me "im sorry" i whispered

"I under stand sir. is this you mother?" she asked and i nodded yes

"Okay sir we are going to her to the hospital now. are you going to come?"

I nodded and followed them to the back of the ambulance truck and went to the hospital.

~* Alex P.O.V *~

I was already at school its 10:26 now where is Zack. I thought he said he was going to be here. But when he get here im going to give him a little peace of my mind. I dont know why but I'm a little mad at him. I guess I feel mad because he said he was going to be here. But im sure he will come. I put in my ear phones and played Fallen Angles by Black Veil Brides because its my favorit song and started to mouth "WE SCREAM, WE SHOUT, WE ARE THE FALLEN ANGLES" I was getting in to the song then Ali taped my shoulder and smiled

"I'm soo glad you here Alex!" she said with that big stupid grin on her face.i just looked at her and she contunied

"you will nevr guess what just happed!?"

"Ummmm you won a alot of money and your going to give me some"

"You smart ass! No! brendon just asked me out and im scared what should i say"

"you mean that big guy with the big muscles, Black hair, and blue eyes right?"

"Yes him, what do i do?"

"I don't know, as far as i know he's one of the jock jerks that makes fun of me. But i know you like him alot so go for it" as i explained it to her i was annoyed but same time happy for her.

"Are you sure Alex" looked at jme with those puppy eye's. damn her and her eyes as much as i didnt want her to go out with him i caved in to her

"Yes I'm sure. now go before I change my mind" smileing at her

"sooo can you come with me? you know how scared i am when it comes to the first dates"

i looked at her annoyed but i have no back bone when it comes to her "Yeah i guess i will come"

she hugged me and we continued to do our work.


Yes it finely lunch time. time to eat. i was eating at the lunch table alone waiting for ali to come sit with me. im assuming that she is gone to go see brendon. hey whats today again? oh yeah its Friday boy this week went by fast if any thing Brendon is going to ask her to go to some party and ill be draged along to be the third while because im assuming Zack wouldnt come.

Ali came skipping along all happy and jolly.sitting right in front of me "Guess what?!"

"Your going to give me $10"

"What no, we're going to a party tonight"

"I know it!"

she started to laugh

"I guess i should phone my mom and tell her im staying the night at your place"

"yes do it lik right now"

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Hey guys Im sorry i dont update alot. but im trying to come come up with more ideas for this story and im hoping im doing a good job soo be a good reader and


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