Chapter 22 - Charity Ball

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Chapter 22 - Charity Ball

Kelsey was quiet the entire ride to the hotel where the ball was being held. She was staring out of the window trying to avoid any eye contact or any contact at all with Mason at all. It seemed that he was ignoring her as well since he was on his phone the entire time.

When the limo came to a stop, Kelsey glanced at the other window on Mason's side where reporters were crowded around with microphones and cameras in hand. It was a good thing that the windows were tainted that nobody could see through the inside.

Kelsey felt a tighten in her chest causing her to instinctively place a hand over her chest where her necklace usually was. She took a deep breath before she hyperventilate and completely lose it. "You can do this." She whispered to herself in between breaths.

Mason shut his phone off and glanced at Kelsey. She was breathing in and out with her eyes closed. It was so hard for him to sit still and not grab her by the nape of her neck and kiss her senselessly. It took every fiber in his bones to stop himself and he was slowly getting weak by the second, sitting beside her. He let her relax for a moment before clearing his throat earning her attention.

Kelsey was snapped out of her trance of thoughts and glanced at Mason in anxiousness. Mason tried his best to prevent himself from pulling her close in his arms and say that everything will be alright. He turned his attention away and took the box out of his tuxedo's pocket. Kelsey watched him opened the box and a gasp escaped her mouth.

Mason had been meaning to give her the ring for a while now but with him getting sick and getting into an argument with her, he just couldn't seem to find a good opportunity. He studied Kelsey's face and could see a glint of joy in her eyes. He wondered what was running in that pretty head of hers.

Kelsey couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if this was in another situation and she was in fact in love with Mason. She was thinking about how wonderful the ring would be and how beautiful it was to symbolize their love for one another. She kept seeing the two of them walking down the beach, hands intertwined together, grins on their faces, as they watched their children, a boy and a girl, swimming in the ocean and splashing water at each other.

Mason warily took her left hand causing Kelsey to snap out of her thoughts. She watched as Mason inserted the silver ring in her ring finger and it shined as the diamonds got hit by the rays of the sun. She glanced at it in delight and it made her heart skipped a beat. It was simple yet beautiful.

"Let's go." Mason nonchalantly said as the door opened. Kelsey then felt like she was splashed by a bucket of cold water by his sudden response. He stepped out of the car and the reporters were practically shoving microphones and cameras on his face. The guards rapidly surrounded the door to protect Mason and Kelsey from the loud and curious mob. Mason looked inside the car and offered his hand to Kelsey. She hesitantly grabbed his hand and took a last deep breath before stepping out. The reporters were like bees buzzing here and there. They were asking so many questions all at the same time and Kelsey couldn't miss some of them.

'Who is she?''Is she really your fiancée?'

'Did she also come from a wealthy family?'

'What happened to the playboy Mason?'

All these questions buzzed inside Kelsey's head making her feel dizzy and she felt like her head was spinning. The blinding flashes of the cameras were not helping her situation either.

She suddenly felt Mason's arm wrapped around her waist making her feel safe. He was smiling at the reporters and stopped in front of the door towards the hotel where the ball was being held.

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