Five: How Did I Get Here Sitting Next To You?

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It was lunchtime, and Michael was shaking in his cell waiting for the doors to open.

He didn't want to leave, he was about to burst into tears and he knew that whatever the blonde boy did yesterday would surely make things worse.

The doors buzzed open.

Michael started to breathe heavily and closed his eyes. Someone's hand grabbed his shoulder and he jolted, squealing in fear as he pushed it away and backed up against the wall.

When he opened his eyes he was faced with the blonde stood at the door with a confused look.

"S-sorry." Michael mumbled.

"It's okay." The boy replied. "I was coming to take you to lunch."


"I couldn't just leave you all alone, my cold little heart wouldn't let me." He smirked. "Come on."

Michael slowly stepped forwards and he walked him down the steps to the lunch hall. Everyone seemed to stop and stare quizzically at the pair as Michael had always tended to be alone.

The blonde took a seat at a table and Michael flopped down next to him nervously. Soon two others came and sat opposite them and Michael started to shake but the tall boy seemed fine.

"You alright guys?" He asked cooly.

Before Michael sat a tanned, dark haired boy with brown eyes and a sandy blonde boy with curly hair.

"Yeah we're fine." The brunette answered.

"You know Calum and Ashton I'm sure." The blonde smiled a little.

Michael stayed silent.

"Hello Michael." Ashton smirked. "How are you?"

"F-fine." Michael squeaked.

"Aw, adorable." Calum chuckled, getting no reaction from Michael.

"We're gonna go get food, are you coming?" Ashton asked to Michael.

"I-I'm okay." He replied, looking down.

None of them questioned it and got up, heading across the room.

Michael decided this wasn't working out for him and crept back upstairs to his cell. He didn't like the food anyway.

Ten minutes later he heard footsteps heading towards his cell and he cowered under the sheets of his bed, pretending to be asleep.

He heard the steps stop and a quiet voice say "Cute." And then the steps started to fade away.

He let out a breath slowly, letting himself drift to sleep again and think about how much he hated this place.

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