Chapter 9

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*Harolds POV *

I need to find something to cover up that Im a vampire. But I can't just lie to her .

"Erm I -I just don't do blood . It brings back memories ... Nightmares ." I said .

"What memories , nightmares? "

" I've never told anyone this before except my friends but Im willing to tell you ." I said .

Should I tell her what happened ?

"My mom and dad were killed . I was just 5 years old and I didn't know what was going on . I came home from school one day and there was a man standing next to my mom and my dad . He was holding a gun . My mom and dad were crying telling me to run and go somewhere safe . But I was so stupid and didn't listen to them . " I said looking at her

"The man told me that I better run because I didn't wanna see what's gonna happen next. "

I continued " Before I knew it he both shot my mom and dad three times . And there was blood alover the floor. " .

"Every night I cried myself hoping that one day Id get revenge on him . I still remember his face ." I said .

"Oh god Harold Im so sorry . " she apologized .

"Elena don't apologize . It's not your fault . And it's the past . Forget about it okay? " I said .

I gave her a week smile . She gave me one back .

I came to her and hugged her .

"Now how bout that date we were supposed to have ." I said .


I almost forgot about our date .

"Uhm let me get ready ." I said .

I went upstairs and got changed .

I put on ripped skinny jeans . A crop top and my black and white high top converse .

I grabbed some cash just incase .

I went upstairs and find an attractive Harold leaning on the wall .


"More than ready." I said .

We went up to the car and he opened the door for me as always .

" change of plans were going to Olive Garden instead ." He said .

"My favorite restaurant !" I squealed.

We arrived at the restaurant after 2" minutes .

"Harold James ." He said to the man in the front desk .

"Ahhhh Mr.James . right over here sir."

He took us to a private table near the corner.

" What would you guys like to order ?" Our waiter asked .

"I'd like the Seafood Pastrami . please . " Harold said .

( a/n just making up food names here )

"And how about for the lady? " he asked .

"I'll ask the Caesar Salad please ." I said .

"I'll be right back with your food ." the waiter said .

Our food arrived 10 minutes later .


"Dessert ?" Harold asked .

I nodded my head . I couldn't resist it .

He whispered something to the waiter and the waiter just nodded .

Moments later the waiter arrived .

He had a plate but it was covered in the round silver thingy .

He set it down at the table .

When He opened it There were chocolate drizzled alover the plate but they spell out something .

It says :


My mouth was hung opened .

" Harold I - "




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