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Another chapter update! Read on :)

Chapter 11~


"Can't you see that I'm the one
Who understands you,
Been here all along,
So why can't you see,
You belong with me."

[You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift]


Marilyn stirred in Luke's bed. The atmosphere in his room was chilling even though the sun was already high up. Luke was slouching on his chair, half asleep. He didn't dare fall asleep entirely in case Marilyn ever needed anything.

Then suddenly a scream pierced through the silence. "Luke!" Marilyn shot right up from her sleeping posture. She was sitting up straight, perspiration beading down her cheek. Luke immediately woke and rushed to her side, sat at the edge of his bed and held Marilyn to himself.

"Shhh cupcake. Everything's fine. Don't worry," he soothed her, rubbing her back gently. She was still terrified and she held Luke's arm, shaking it a little. "Luke, they're coming back. The guys, they-" then she stopped, when she realised she was actually in bed, safely in Luke's room.

Luke gazed at her, his eyes spilling all his concern for her. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. She nodded slowly, then said, "I'm fine, I just thought the guys were there. My locker. Fifth grade."

Luke's eyes widened at the mention of fifth grade. "You, got your memories back, didn't you?" He asked hesitantly, not daring to get his hopes high. Marilyn smiled. Indicating a yes.

"You got it back! You got it back! Thank God! I miss you. I miss you having your memories back," Luke exclaimed and hugged her tight against himself. Marilyn wrapped her arms around him, and whispered at his ear, "Yes, I got it back, muffin."

Muffin. That was his nickname she gave him in second grade. He beamed and pecked her on the crown of her head then pulled away from her to look her in the eyes.

"I can't express how happy I am right now. I really can't. Mary, you've no idea how long I've waited for today. For the day you finally get all your memories back. That night before you got lost, before everything, I've wanted to tell you something," he looked at her, then got down from his bed, and knelt down on one knee. "Marilyn Ashley Moore, I've liked you since our first encounter and slowly falling in love with you as the days passed, and as our friendship strengthened. But I was too afraid to confess, afraid that you don't feel the same towards me, afraid of losing you even as a friend. Right now, I don't want to think whether you feel the same or what, I just want to tell you, I love you. I love you and I'd do anything to protect you from harm, from getting hurt." He let out a long breath he hadn't notice that he'd been holding.

Marilyn touched his face gently then smiled, "Luke Kingston, you have no idea how happy and how lucky I am to hear that you love me, just like I do. You silly muffin. I've loved you for so long and had been afraid for the same reason as you."

Luke broke into a smile, "Then will you be mine? Be my girlfriend, for me to cherish and protect you? To let me be the reason you smile every day?"

"Yes." Without hesitation, Marilyn had replied. Luke got up and pecked her on the lips. Then he suddenly smirked, "Now that you got your memories back, isn't it time for you to pay me back a little for having to live through that agonizing one year missing you, staying through hell?"

Marilyn eyes widened and smacked him across the chest. She giggled and looked at him, challenging him to do something. He smirked then sat beside her and kissed her full on the lips. Their lips collided and moved in sync, without hesitation, without any doubt of their love for each other.

He kissed her, with deep affection, then slid his tongue in, dominating their intimate kiss. It had been agonizing for both of them not being able to confess their love for each other earlier. Marilyn let out a soft moan in reply and tugged at his shirt. They fell back onto Luke's bed, and who knows what happened that morning.


"Mary!" Madeleine rushed to her as her sister walked in through the small bridge between Luke's and her room. It was already 6 in the evening. "What happened? You and Luke? What? What?! I demand you speak now!"

"Woah, chill young lady," Marilyn swept her crazy sister a glance and finally couldn't take it and said, "I got my memories back. I remembered everything. Luke and I are officially a couple now. And we only had a little time to ourselves just now. Satisfied?"

"Oh my God! You did? I've been waiting for today. Lucky Luke. Hold on. A little time. Hmmmm. Let me think. You mean sex?" She looked at Marilyn mischieviously.

Marilyn glared at her sister, "Watch it, young lady. Now get out of my room. I need to get changed. Get a fresh shower. I'm going out later for a dinner. Shoo out you go!"

Madeleine giggled then winked at her sister, and ran out of her room. For now, it's all Marilyn's time. They can always exchange their stories later. She had a lot going on that day too. And tomorrow she'll be meeting Carolina with Julian. She smiled at the thought and went back to her room


I'm sorry this is kinda a short chapter. I just gushed everything out because I was having ideas so I write while I had ideas. :) in case writer's block kick in again, I'll be doomed :') anyways, I hope you don't mind this short chapter.

And Marilyn got her memories back!! Hope you like this chapter, peeps! I love all of you who had been living up with me to this chapter. I'll have more stories coming. Stay tuned ♡

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All the love,

Prim x

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