(Chapter 1)I think we...

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I breathe out a sigh of annoyance and place the book on the table. 'Well this sucks'

"What's wrong?" Cass asks whilst taking a large sip from her mostly empty cup.

"I just finished my book" I reply pouting.

"Aww, poor baby. What are you going to do now?" She asked in an innocent tone as she fauns pity. I give her a menacing glare as she continues to tease me for my extreme obsession with books.

"Wait, maybe now you could actually go to a party with me!" She exclaims. Her blue eyes sparkle as she thinks about all the 'fun' things we could do. I, as you may have guessed, am highly anti-social.

I sighed shaking my head at her. I sniff the lovely aroma of coffee before I take a small sip, savoring the rich, but bitter taste.

She pouted a bit before sighing in defeat, knowing that my decision was final.

Cass and I have been best friends since elementary school. Like anybody else in this town, no one really leaves or moves in. So you pretty much end up growing up alongside the same people.

Still pouting, I solemnly put the book back into my bag and exchanged it for my phone.

"Hey Amelia, how are you and Max?" Mia asked smirking at me.

Max is my boyfriend, we've been dating for two years.

"We're good" I said looking out the nearby window.

"Are you sure?" she asked

"Yea I mean... what would be wrong?" I ask looking at her suspiciously.

"Oh nothing, you just seem kind of off" she says and looks down. There's definitely something off about this. 'Cas what aren't you telling me?' I thought. 'Maybe he's cheating on me. Is he going to dump me?'

"Let's go, football practice is about to end" she said standing up and throwing her cup in the trash. I followed her as I got up.

"You know if something is going on you can tell me right?" Cass asked. I nodded slowly. I caught her wrist before she could walk out the door.

"Do you know something I don't Cass?" She looked nervous.

"Um no," she said as she looked away and fixed her bracelet. She's lying, I can tell by what she did. She walked out and into her car. I followed her hesitantly. The red corvette rumbled to life as I got in. and baked out and started heading to the school.

I honestly don't feel like seeing Max right now. I'm so confused about our relationship. I used to feel so happy with him now I don't feel anything. He's being distant, this whole month he's been ignoring me and acting strangely. It's like he's a different person? I don't know how to explain it.

Once we got to the school I was dragged to the stadium where the sweaty football players practice. Cass looked out at the field and waved at Jacob.

Cass has had a crush on my brother for god knows how long. He sees her as a little sister, he's super protective of her and...Well, now that I think about it he might actually like her. There's just one problem, he has a girlfriend. She used to be close to me and Cass but now that shes explored the many things she can do with her mouth, hands, and legs... were not as close and because of other things but that's for another day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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