ten mistakes

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There I was walking with my friend
And you decided to call me over
My friend said
Dont go
But I went on
There I stood
I looked deep into your evil  eyes
You were hesitating
You said "never mind "
But I insisted
That was my first mistake
You asked me for my number
I was shocked
I gave it to you
That was my second mistake
While going home I decided to text you
That was my third mistake
You replied
Then after a while you asked me to be your girlfriend
Even though my best friend warned me
that you just got out of a relationship
And you were only USING me as a rebound girl
I still said yes
That was my fourth mistake
You told me you loved me
I believed  I loved you back
That was my fifth mistake
I spoke good things about you with my friends
I told them how much i loved you
That was my sixth mistake
We kissed
We hugged
We held hands
That was my seventh mistake
My friends told me that they saw you holding hands
Yes ,with another girl
My heart sank
Very deep
But I did not believe
That was my eighth mistake
One day I saw you with that girl
She kissed you on one of your cheek
Right there one that same spot
 my heart cried
Now we were ignoring each other
I missed you
I tried to work things out
That was my ninth mistake
It was only one month
 and it was the worst relationship
You begged to be with me
And you hurt me
I loved you
I tried to forget you
But everyday I think about you
Because every time I had time I spent it with you
That was me tenth mistake .

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