First Day

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Oceandepth's pov
I woke up and I saw my sister swim in and she flashed," Mother told me to tell you that you're leaving today but she is in council right now so she cannot say goodbye." I flashed back,"ok." Then I went to hug her but she swam backwards out of it so I just left, hurt that my own sister won't hug me. I took off without saying goodbye to anyone because no one will miss me, then started my flight to Jade Mountain.
~Time skip to arrival~
I landed on the landing platform and walked forwards. Dragons started to point and whisper but I held my head high. Most of them stopped when they realized I was a prince. If they did they bowed. I walked through to a Nightwing named Fatespeaker. She gave me some information scrolls then told me my cave is the third tunnel on the left and sixth cave on the left. After that she told me I was in the Crystal Winglet and I left. I was walking through the tunnel to my cave and when I got there I looked in and saw an Icewing who's scales were bright blue his horns were black and his underbelly was white. Then he said," I know your there. Show yourself." And his eyes looked like they were green balls of fire. I stepped into the room and he looked over me. Then said," you must be Oceandepth. I'm Snowball. Ironic right? Since I'm blue not white." I nervously laughed then I saw the mini crown on his head and asked," your royal too?" He looked at me and said," yeah Prince Snowball." Then I said," that's funny I'm Prince Oceandepth." I gestured to my mini crown I got from my mother. Then he turned a little and said," I heard our whole Winglet is Royal." I said," ha whenever we walk into a room everyone can bow to us." I smiled and he smiled back. Then we turned when we heard a push in the hallway then a shout," Hey! Watch where your going freak!" So we ran out to see a skywing on the ground with a bigger skywing standing over her. But the other skywing was golden with green eyes and red horns add underbelly, but it was an unnatural red, like a piece of treasure. So we walk over to defend her. I say," Hey! Stop being rude!" Then he looks at me and snarls," why should I listen to you freak." Then Snowball says," watch how you talk to Prince Snowball and Prince Oceandepth." Then I gesture to my crown. He looks startled then mumbles sorry and runs away. I helped her up and ask," what's your name?" She says," I'm Princess Cardinal." So both me and Snowball bow. She says,"
Stand up silly heads. I'm guessing you 2 are my clawmates? Crystal Winglet." I nod and we show her the room. Then a Nightwing stumbles in and says," Hi is this the Crystal Winglet" I smile and say," the one and only!" She laughs and says," I'm Lunar, Princess Lunar." We bow then she says," no need to bow." I stand up and look at her. She has navy blue scales pale green eyes horns and underbelly. Then I say," I like your horns." She smiles and thanks me. Then I say," we should go in the hallway to wait for the other 3 to come." They agree and we step out to get rammed by a Rainwing with bright blue scales pale yellow eyes black horns and a pale yellow and bright blue frill. Then she says," I'm sorry is this the Crystal Winglet? I'm princess Mango!" I smile and say," yes and hi." Then I introduce Snowball, Cardinal, Luna and me. I say," we are waiting for the other 2." She smiled and said," ok!" We see a quiet looking Mudwing walk up to us. His scales were dark brown almost black his horns were white his underbelly was brown and his eyes were bright yellow. He said," is this the Crystal Winglet? Prince Dragonfly." I smile and say," yes." Then I turn to everyone and say," this is Prince Snowball, me, Prince Oceandepth, Princess Lunar, Princess Cardinal and Princess Mango." He smiled and said,"
So what are we doing?" I look at him and say," we are waiting for our Sandwing." Right after I say that a very happy looking Sandwing bounds in and says," Hi! I'm Princess Sun!" I look at her and see she has bright yellow scales like the sun dark blue eyes and her frill fades to brown and so does her wings and tail. I smile and say," The whole Winglet is here!" Then we hug and head into our room to see who gets which bed.

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