Intro/Chapter 1/2

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    Hello and welcome to my stupid book. Confused, aren't you? Yes my book is stupid and a complete failure. That's all because my life was stupid and a failure. For you see, this is the story of my life, and how it ended in misery.
    I don't even know why you bothered to even grab this book and read it, because it's not worth it. Like I said, 68 words ago, this is a useless novel and you're totally wasting your time. Who would want to read about an eighteen year old and how he dies, full of regret? Well, you, I guess.
     You must be absolutely sick to want to read this thing. Like seriously dude, who in their right mind find pleasure in reading about death? But hey, I'm not judging you at all, because I would be doing the same thing. All I can say, I was a sick teen. Well that is, after the nightmares and visions.
    I don't really know what the hell in doing, telling you about my life story. It was boring and normal before everything happened. So I'm not going to write much about my life before these events. Anyways, I also really don't know how to prepare you for the things to come. They're messed up, and me myself, wasn't able to stomach them...literally. Oh, trust me, you'll see.
    The month before my death was hectic and unimaginable. Not even Kasey, the smartest person ever, could understand very much. Until, he started getting the dreams himself. Then Kaline, my sweet, beautiful Kaline, she had them before anybody. I couldn't believe how strong she was. I miss her so very much.
    Oh sorry, I'm rambling now. Ya know, I'll just get to the start of this. I bet you're just about ready to throw this out the window. Okay, okay, I'll start. I did my part, now you do yours. Turn the page.

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