Chapter Five

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Chapter five

Panic swirled through Kitty as her eyes widened in horror and she frantically looked all around her for someone, anyone to come to her aid and rescue her, but there was no one. The man's grasp on her did not loosen in the slightest, but he also wasn't hurting her, almost like he didn't want to hurt her. Which struck Kitty as odd, though, in that specific moment of time, it was the last thing that was running through her head.

With a panicked whimper, Kitty trailed her eyes across the street lamps that edged the road, her eyes widening as she saw an old lady who was wrapped firmly in a waterproof coat and thick woollen tights walking slowly towards them.

Terrified screams were muffled by the man's hands and the lady seemed to stop in her tracks, her whole body turning so that it was adjacent to Kitty's position on the corner of the street.

"Hello?" the lady called feebly, her voice echoing around the clay brick walls that had graffiti of all colours of the rainbow slapped across the rough surface.

"Stop squirming," the man holding her muttered, his voice deep and rough.

This didn't help Kitty in the slightest, only making her more panicked and desperate to ease her way out of the situation alive, her hands beginning to tingle; her vision seemed to waver, a ball of fire bubbling in the hollow pit of her stomach.

When the air around her seemed to shimmer, like the waves of heat rising off a hot concrete road, Kitty drew in a deep breath, a foreign word finding its way to the forefront of her mind, its origin unknown to her. She couldn't comprehend what was happening, like an outsider had placed the words in her head, their weight making her want to spit them out with large amount of force.

"Sahaxai boopai pibaoi," the man hissed suddenly, the air being released from his mouth and curving around Kitty's neck, the cool moisture like a tongue of ice cold flames, silencing her.

Kitty seemed to freeze, her train of thoughts frozen before they even began, the pit of her stomach relaxing instantaneously.

The sensation was so odd that Kitty felt herself going weak in the knees, her back arching into the man's arms, almost like she had no bones to structure her body.

'What?' She found herself thinking, her breath quickening into complete panic. Why couldn't she move?

Feeling the slightest pressure on her side, fingers curled their way across her waist, lifting her feet off the ground, her body feeling as light as a feather.

The man's other hand was withdrawn quickly from her mouth, its new position coming to a stop around her legs.

Kitty was in the process of screaming when she whipped her head to face the man, the scream dying in her throat.

With wide eyes she absorbed the shimmering eyes of the guy from the car park. Her first thought was of their coal like texture, the brown so dark and coarse that it looked like a jagged piece of obsidian stone, light browns streaking to the centre, and her second was of terror. With a moment of realisation she came to the conclusion that not only did she think this guy killed someone, but that he had also been the man who was in the store cupboard earlier today. That thought scared Kitty beyond anything. Was it a coincidence?

It scared her that this man had been under her nose, that he could have killed her at any point. Yet what scared Kitty the most was her current predicament. She was trapped down a deserted street with a killer and there was nothing she could do about it.

The guy didn't blink as he watched Kitty's face transform into one of horror, his hand coming to support her limp body in order to stop it from flopping to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2012 ⏰

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