Your Still Beautiful

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Everyone is smiling and looking at me. Brendon starts to speak, "Well, should we take her to the buses?" Everyone says yes and they start to walk out of the room. Was this really happening?!?! Was I seriously about to go to my favorite bands tour bus?!?!? THIS IS CRAZY!!!!!! When I get up and take a step, I lose my balance and almost fall, but Patrick catches me. I look up into his eyes and he looks into mine, "How about I help you there." he smiles at me, never moving his eyes away from mine. "That would be great." I say back giggling. He giggles too and helps me back up to my feet, then puts his arm through mine. I lean on him a little bit, trying not to fall, and he holds my arm, making sure I don't. We follow everyone through the hallways and corners 'till we come to a door and go outside. MY GOD IT'S COLD!!!!! I shiver a little bit and Patrick pulls me into him a little more, keeping me nice and warm. When we get to the bus, he opens the door for me, he's such a gentlemen!!! It's much warmer in here. Patrick leads me to the couch and lets me go to sit. He sits next to me, and Pete sits on my other side. "So," Pete says "Do u have anything to wear?" I'm pretty sure that I had some PJ's in my car. "There's some clothes in my car, I can walk to go get it." I stand up, but Pete quickly pulls me back down. "Nonsense!!!! I'll get the car and drive you there. Well, Patrick can drive you over there." He smiles at Patrick and Patrick smiles back, then he gets up and offers me his hand. I take his offer and he helps me stand up, then we walk outside to the car. "You know I would of been fine to drive home." I say. He doesn't look at me but he talks, "I know, but I wanted you to stay." That confused me. Why would he want some fan to stay? "Why would you want me to stay? I'm just some fan, nothing important. Just a nobody." He's silent for a second, I wonder what he was thinking..... "Please don't say that." I look at him, "Why? I mean, it's true." he doesn't look back still. "Because it's not true, you're worth so much more than you realize. You aren't a nobody, you're a somebody. And all people are worth something, that doesn't make you any less important." My god that made me melt. We hop in the car and when we sit down, he stops for a moment and turns to me, "You're beautiful, don't ever forget that." I want to cry, no guy has ever said that to me. actually, no one has ever said that to me. I don't respond, just smile.

We go through the parking lot until I see my car and tell Patrick. He stops and I get out, my normal keys are still in the locker, but I always have my spare. So I get it out of my pocket and open up my car. My god my car is messy, but who cares, certainly not me!!!!! I go through my car getting my clothes, and while I'm picking through my stuff, something comes and grabs me, yelling super loud. I scream and turn around to see it's Patrick, doubled over laughing. "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!!! YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEATATTACK!!!!!!!!" He wipes a tear from his face and still giggling says, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself, but I won't do it again, I promise." I roll my eyes and go back into my car. "Hey, can I grab some other stuff too?" Oh please say yes. "Ya, sure. But your not gonna bring your whole car like other girls, right?" I smile a little and reply, "Well, if you haven't noticed, I'm not like other girls." I don't look back but he responds, "Ya, but in a good way. You're better." I stop for a moment, that shocked me. I now turn around and see him looking at me. "Really?" I ask him. He starts to blush and says ya. "Awe shucks." now I can feel my cheeks start to heat up. He looks up and our eyes meet. My god, he has the most beautiful eyes. I could stare at them all day. There's a moment of silence, and then I quickly turn around, trying not to make it awkward. I lean back in my car, and then start to grab some stuff I want to take. "Is there anything I can grab for you?" He's such a gentleman!!!! "Actually, there is." I hand him my phone charger, my computer with the charger, my boots, my pills, WAIT!!!!! OH MY GOD I ALMOST GAVE HIM MY PILLS!!!!! I DONT WANT HIM KNOWING MY PANIC PROBLEM!!!!! I quickly pull it back to myself before he takes it. "What was that?" he asked, oh god. "Um...Nothing, Don't worry about it."

Patrick's POV

I was helping Christina with some stuff that she wanted to bring. She was handing me things when she holds up this orange bottle, I think it was a pill bottle. I was about to grab it when all of a sudden she pulled it back to her, What was that all about? "What was that?" I ask. She doesn't respond at first but then says, "Um... Nothing, don't worry about it." That only got me worried. What was that, and why didn't she want me to know about it? It must have been something personal, so I decided not to ask. She looked around her car for a while and I had to ask her something, "Hey, um, what's with the Stump thing on your wrist?" I had to know what that was all about. She paused a moment and asked how I had known about it, "Well, when you were out, I saw it on your wrist. Why did you write my last name on your wrist." She turned around and stood up straight, her cheeks were bright red. She looked down at her feet and said, "Well, it's Stump Sunday." Stump Sunday? Is that a thing? Wait, Stump Sunday, like, Patrick Stump? "Like, Patrick Stump Sunday?" I ask. She blushes even more and starts to snap her fingers..... That's strange. "Y-Ya" she finally spits out. That's so sweet!!!!! A day devoted to me? People are so creative!!!! "S-sorry, I know it's weird." She says. She starts snapping her fingers louder and faster, why was she doing that? "It's not weird," I say, "It's really sweet!!!" She looks up and our eyes meet again. My god her eyes are beautiful, like an ocean. They're so blue!!!! After a moment of silence, I start to speak, "You got everything?" I ask. She blinks a few times, leans back in her car, grabs a weird looking case, and says yes. We walk back to the car we're driving, and hop in. "What is that?" I ask "A violin?" It looks like it. "No, a ukulele." she says. A ukulele? That's so cool!!!! I never met anyone who played ukulele before. "Really? That's awesome!!!" I exclaim. She says thanks and she plays ukulele, piano, guitar, drums,  and bass.... Wow she's talented!!!! "Do you sing?" I ask. She looks down at her lap and starts snapping again, what the hell was that all about? "Ya, but only to myself. Never to anybody" She responds. I wonder if she's good, I love a girl that could sing. Although, I think I already am in love......

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