Day 60.

847 23 3

On the train, this is becoming real

I can't wait

Do you have to keep me waiting until after the show?


How are we gonna get our backstage  passes?

Come meet me?;)


Ergh, fine. I'll ask my manager hold on

Nearly at the station, then got a 5 min tube

Go to the box office, my manager is waiting for you now

Ok, text when I've got them



Gtg soundcheck in 10, can't believe we're in the same building RN

It's crazy!


"I'm actually shitting myself" I say, as myself and Emily queue up for this public sky backstage, but not backstage, area where fans can go and eat without crowds at the O2 arena if your telly at home is with sky. Emily rolls her eyes, adjusting the pony tail on her head.

"Talia, chill! If he hated you, he'd of blocked your number. Simple. Now, let's go in this room and eat chips until it's time to go to our seats!" Emily grinned, showing the security proof we have sky, and our bags. They place purple wristbands on our wrists, and open the door for us. We clamber up these red steps, and as we enter the room, voices echo the room, making my eyes wide. I run to a table, placed next to a curtain and peek my head.

"Emily! This curtain is the only thing between me and Michael right now!" I hiss, realising we can hear the boys soundcheck. Emily's eyes widen, subtly shoving her head through the curtain. She slings herself back, her eyes wide.

"Holy shit!" She screams, instantly slapping a hand over her mouth. Luckily, no one heard, and they continued their soundcheck.

"Dude, Michaels right there!" I cry, my nerves kicking in. Emily kicks my shin, glaring st me.

"Bitch, if you do not calm down and order me chips I will punch you!" She hisses, which, surprisingly, helped. I nod, trying to block out the chuckles being amplified around the arena, and grab a portion of chips to share. When i return, Emily's face is glued to her phone.

"Calum just texted me, he said they heard me scream holy shit" she laughs, making me shake my head, a smile etched.

Their voices soon floated away, after saying bye to the fans. I finally let out a sigh of relief, my heart rate slowing.

"Only an hour until showtime, babe" Emily smiles, tucking into our chips.

"I've never been more nervous for anything before"

wrong number - mgcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora