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{Y/N}s P.O.V
I sit in my room with my puzzle. I fit in the pieces to create the picture.
I create the picture and then tear it apart again. It's the only toy I have besides Mr Huggles. Mr Huggles is my teddy bear. He's been there for me ever since I was given him.
I look up at Emily, my roommate. She's playing house with her dolls.
'I love you, Mrs Wife.' She says in a manly voice.
'I love you too, Mr husband.' She says in a high pitch chirp.
She then makes them kiss and makes kissing noises. I cover my eyes from what's happening.
'Stop! Stop! Stop!' I shout.
Emily stops and giggles. She puts her dolls down and sits beside me.
'Can I help you?' She says pointing towards the puzzle. I nod my head and we create the puzzle again. I know it off by heart but I still let Emily do it.
'{Y/-{Y/N}?' She asks me.
'Yeah.' I reply, tilting my head.
'A-are we ever going to get adopted?' She ask me in a sad tone.
'We can only hope, Emily.' I sigh.
'Could Miss {Y/N} come to the office please.' The woman says through the intercom.
'What did you do, {Y/N}?' Emily asks me.
I shrug my shoulders and walk towards the door of the room. I walk down the halls to the office.
Once I get there I see two boys and one woman. The boys look about 8 and are twins.
They both have Blackish-purple hair with green eyes. The woman has blackish-purple hair too but with blue eyes.
The twins faces light up when they see me and can't sit still. I stand there confused.
The woman notices me and waves politely. I wave back shyly.
'Ah! Miss {Y/N}! These are your NEW parents!' The lady from the intercom shouts.
My mouth hangs wide open with shock. N-new P-Parents?! N-new l-life!? New start!?
I smile cheerfully.
'Your getting adopted, {Y/N}?!' My best friend/my favourite carer Amy says. She runs up to me and hugs me.
'I'll miss you!' She says into my shoulder.
'I'll miss you tew!' I shout in a cute voice.
'Go pack your stuff, miss {Y/N}.' The lady says. I nod and run to my room.
I run inside.
'What's the hassle?!' She asks me.
I tell her everything.
'I'll miss you, {Y/N}. But I know this is a good time for you. I'll try to be not too sad.' She says tearing up.
I packed everything I had. {which wasn't a lot}
'I promise to write to you every night!' I tell her. She nods and hugs me.
'Goodbye Emily!' I wave goodbye.
'Goodbye {Y/N}!' She waves back.
I close the door and run to the office.
Once I get down I get immediately crushed by two people. They hug me tight. I look at them and see their my new brothers!
'Hi, onii-sans!' I tell them.
They both blush and smile, not letting me go.
'I can't believe our new sister is this cute!' One of them say letting go.
'I know right!' The other says letting go as well.
I start to blush from the compliment.
'We should probably tell you our names!' One shouts cheerfully.
'I'm Lucas!' Lucas shouts.
'And I'm Luke!' Luke shouts.
I nod.
'I'm-' I start.
'{Y/N}!' They both shout at the same time.
'We know!'  Lucas shouts.
'I picked you out!' Luke shouts.
'No me!' Lucas retorts.
'We!' They both say again.
I giggle at their personalities. This is going to be a fun family.
'I'm, Amelia. Your mother. If these two hurt you at all you can always come to me.' My mother says.
'Why would we do something to OUR beloved, {Y/N}?' Luke says highlighting 'our' in his sentence.
'Yeah, she's OUR sister after all!' Lucas says also highlighting 'our' in his sentence.
I get worried at that but brush it off.
'Come on, dear. The limos waiting outside.' My mother tells me.
'Limo?!' I practically scream.
We walk outside and I see a real limo! Oh my ice-cream!
A man dressed a suit opens the door for us.
I get inside with Mr Huggles. The twins are both each side of me. They hugs my small arms.
'What game do you want to play when we get home, {Y/N}?' Luke asks me.
'How about house!' I shout. It's one of my favourites.
'Okay! I'll be the Father and you, {Y/N}, can be the Mother!' Lucas says to me.
'No! I'll be the father and {Y/N} is my wife!' Luke retorts.
'No fighting boys!' My mother says giving them a glare. They both nod their heads.
'Lets just play the floor is lava!' Lucas suggests.
Luke and I both nod our heads.
'Were hear!' My mother says.
I look out the window and it's a big mansion!
It has like 72 windows- scratch that 372 windows and one big red door at the front.
'Come on {Y/N}!' Luke shouts handing me his hand from outside the limo. I get out with Lucas behind me.
We go through the big red door. The inside is massive! It has a ballroom floor and two stair cases leading up, and one big chandelier hanging from the roof.
I stand there astonished.
'Come on {Y/N}! Let's show you around!' Lucas says. Both of them grab my hand.
Time skip
'Wow this place is big!' I say tired. I lay down on the sofa.
'Now let's play our game!' Luke shouts.
Time skip again cuz I'm lazy
'Okay, dears. You must go to bed.' My mother says when Luke and I wear trying to hit Lucas to the ground with pillows.
All of us groan. We hastily make our way upstairs.
'We'll tuck you in {Y/N}.' Lucas says.
'Okie!' I shout cutely.
I change into my new pajama's my mother got me. {they are blue with a panda on the front of the buttoned up shirt with panda printed bottems 🐼}
I hop into bed. The twins put the blanket over me.
Before I drift to sleep I hear them say in unison,

'Goodnight, OUR toy.'

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