Always Yours

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once there was a demon of yellow, black and gold.

as a young devil child he was once told.

'no demon could love- no demon should try'

but the little demon never knew why.

when he grew up, handsome and strong,

in the arms of another, he felt he'd never belong.

though one day, he'd met a small pines child,

and his loving feelings were, for the first time, let wild.

he'd loved this boy, who was a star's male twin.

gotten off on the wrong foot, he showed him his heart within.

the two sang and hugged like soulmates were real,

though one day the demon proposed a deal.

'will you be mine, and I will be yours?

our love will not be held back by any dumb rules.

I'll love you forever and our love will be true.

oh, will you do this for me and for you?'

and the demon had shuddered in anxieties wake,

breath held back for as long as it'd take.

the boy had replied, without a thinking things through.

'you will be mine, and I'll be yours, too'

the boys had both shaken hands to seal the agreement,

though one day their words were carelessly bent.

the boy had fallen ill, telling him to protect his sister,

the demon bound to command by the rules they had mustered.

and so for all of the rest of the demons days,

all those who walked worry free would pay

for to protect the young identical kid,

he must distinguish all that spent life like a bid.

the demon had cried, repeating the love that he knew,

'you will never be mine, but I'm always yours, true'

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