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The school day seemed to drag on... And I only have two periods. The only class I'm not hyped up about is Gym. Gym is fun and all but the fact that I will be having it with Freshman, just ruins it for me. The Freshman boys are cocky as fuck, and the Freshman girls are innocent and whiny.

I sighed as I walked into the Gym. So much for dropping Gym class Freshman year. There better fucking be some Seniors or Juniors in here.

I looked around. Freshman, Freshman... More Freshman.

Well, shit.

After the gym teacher; Mr. Reynolds, told us the basics and rules of what he was going to have us do, he shooed us off to doing whatever we'd like the rest of the period.

I needed entertainment so I chatted up some curvy Freshman girls.

It wasn't until I seen a girl come in through the gym doors and scurry in quickly, trying to be unnoticed.

"Ms Parker." The teacher shouted, the girl flinched and turned to him, while the whole class went quiet.

"You're late Ms. Parker. On your first day." The teacher shook his head disapprovingly. "Tisk tisk tisk, that's too bad. I really thought your attendance had improved over the years."

So she isn't a Freshman.

"Sorry." Is all she said, then she sat down and pulled out papers.

There was something familiar about that last name.
Parker, Parker...

I glanced at the girl to get a look at the face but she had her back to me.


The name seems familiar but I just can't process it out. I could ask her name, which could give me a clue.

Wait why the fuck am I even concerned?

She's just a girl like every other girl here. There's nothing important about her.

I turned back to my curvy Freshman girls, but I kept sneaking glances at that girl.



I threw my papers to the side and laid down on the hard floor.

Relax Rose. It's just your first day.

I looked around out of boredom.

After I took a second glance around. I noticed a guy already staring at me, but he turned his eyes back to the girls by him. Odd.

He looked built. I didn't get a good look at his face but I could tell he had a more matured face than most people here, the boys in here looked tiny compared to him.

Probably a Junior, or Sophomore. I don't really care. All I care about is this class ending so I can leave to my last two classes.

Time, could you be any slower?

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