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Age: 17

Gender: female (was originally born a male)

Sexuality: bisexual

Likes: singing, dancing,  gymnastics, martial arts, music

Dislikes: her parents, people who are rude and annoying,

Personality: outgoing, artistic, funny, afraid of Alex's anger (A/ N : I don't know where that one gose so) 

Looks: she has navey blue hair and magenta tips, she likes to dress as a goth, she's really tall she has red eyes.

History:  she was always bullied because she was a boy but wanted to be a girl. Her parents were poor but they hated her. She then snaps and kills her parents.  She made a house in the woods and now lives there.  One day when she was going to the store she meets Alex and takes her in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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