Chapter 2

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Hey guys, just so you know, I changed Skylar's name to Aria so thats why it's different...

The next day Brooke wants me to ride to school with her, but it has been so long since I've driven. My shiny black Miata has been sitting in the garage for so long and I've been itching to drive it again. I arrive at school about fifteen minutes before the bell rings and just barely find a parking spot. 

I'm so nervous about today. I haven't even gotten out of my car yet and I already feel like people are staring at me and whispering. I shouldn't have taken down the top of my car. Suddenly I'm regretting my choice in outfit. I'm wearing a white and blue sundress with sandals and my hair is falling in waves down my shoulders. Normally I would think this looks cute, so maybe I'm just regretting coming back to school. 

I'm about to put the key back in the ignition and head home when someone opens my door. Peyton is motioning for me to get out and Haley is standing beside her. "Come on Ari, you're going to have to face it eventually," my friend says. 

Groaning, I take my bag out of the passenger seat and step out. "This is going to be hell. Hey Haley."

Haley smiles at me and Peyton grabs my arm and drags me towards the school. Everyone that we pass seems to do a double take when they see me. "Is everyone talking about me? Everyone's talking about me, aren't they," I ramble nervously. "You know, maybe I can just take a few more days off. Or maybe I can transfer. Haley, you tutor, right? Maybe I can just-" 

Peyton laughs, cutting me off. "Stop worrying. They'll find something new to talk about in a few days."

"She's right," Haley adds, falling into step on the other side of me. I'm still not used to her being a part of our group. Not that I have anything against her, she seems cool. "The gossip surrounding Nathan and I getting married only lasted about a week."

The three of us reach the school and start walking towards the door when they both stop to talk to one of their friends. I don't recognize him, so he must also be new. "Hey Mouth," Haley greets the boy and it clicks in my mind. Brooke and Peyton told me about Mouth and how sweet he is. "This is Aria, Brooke's twin. Aria, this is Mouth."

"Hey, it's nice to meet you," I smile at him. "Who's this?"

I also don't recognize the hispanic boy standing next to him. Judging by the looks on their faces, I don't think Haley and Peyton do either. "This is Felix," Mouth explains. "He just moved here. Right next door to Brooke and Aria."

Haley hold out her hand and Felix shakes it. "Welcome to Tree Hill."

"Wow, totally fine," Felix bites his lip. Jesus. Another player in this school. 

"Dude," Haley laughs and then hold up the hand that her wedding ring is on. "Totally married."

"Little close aren't you?" Nathan pops up behind Haley. He glares at Felix but then turns and smiles at me. "I recognize that look, Aria. You'll be fine."

With that he walks away and then Felix turns to Peyton and I. "How 'bout you two?" 

It's then that it clicks in my mind. Brooke was telling me that yesterday morning some Spanish  pool boy decided to take a naked dip in our pool. It seemed too strange to be real because I'm pretty sure our pool guy is Russian, if it's the same one as when I left. I realize now that this new neighbor must have broken into our backyard. 

"You're disgusting. Next time you wanna go skinny dipping, use your own pool," I groan. 

"Shit, that's your house too?" Felix laughs and finally walks away.

I turn to Peyton and Mouth. "First day back, not going so great. That's the idiot who Brooke found in our pool yesterday."

On the way to first period, a ton of people come up to me and tell me how much they missed me and how glad they are that I'm back. Most of them are probably lying and didn't even care that I left. In fact, a lot of them were probably happy to see me go. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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