Chapter 1

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Jack woke hungry, he wasn't used to waking hungry, but the night before when he and some of his pack members have been out hunting, all the animals seemed to have been in hiding, they haven't even found a single rabbit or ferret, not to mention the usual five or six deer they caught every night. Jack was on of the strongest and youngest Alfa's there was, and he rarely let his pack go hungry, but there just wasn't anything out there the night before. Jack sat up in his animal skins an blinked, trying to remember the night before, there wasn't nothing, there was a girl, they found her in the woods on their way back home. Their heads were hanging and some of them were already turned back into humans, with the knowledge that there weren't to be any food brought home that night

But when they found the girl lying unconscious next to one of the many trees, the werewolves all quickly turned back into human form. She looked young, about the same age as Jack himself, curled up in a small ball, she was hardly breathing, which first made Jack think that she was human, because werewolves hardly ever got beaten up by anything, except of course  by silver.

The girl looked too weak to be a wolf, but what would a human girl of that age be doing in the middle of the night in the woods? And this part of the region belonged to his pack, he didn't know this girl. The hunting party surrounded her, curiously sniffing the air for her strange scent, she didn't smell hunam, but she also didn't smell like any Wolf he's ever come across. Humans usually smelled sweet and vulnerable, where werewolves smelled like dirt and blood and the woods that Jack was so used to.

The girl smelled different, she smelled like an entire different forest, an entire different blood ... An entire different species. They tried to wake her but all they got from her were soft little moans, as she rolled over, it looked like she was in pain.  So they decided to take her back to the village, and wait for her to wake up so they could astablish exactly why she has crossed into their territory, even if she was a wolf, and the hunting party didn't mind to take home a pretty girl. They carried her all the way home and put her in one of the smaller roundhouses, with the door locked, (and lined with silver), just for in case she wanted to escape. Jack was quite stern on trespassers.

"Sir, you might want to come and take a look at what's going on outside," Jack's second in command, Daxter, said urgently, coming into Jack's room, snapping him back to the present. Daxter was the second strongest Alfa in the pack, and made an excellent second in command, his hair was a dull brown, with a streak of grey in it, it wasn't that he was old, wolves often had random streaks of different colored hair. Daxter was muscular and carried many battle scars, just like Jack himself. Jack saw that Daxter was cradling his right arm with his left, but he didn't bother too much, if he were hurt, he would heal quickly, "What is it Daxter?" Jack answered, instantly awake, due to the urgency in Daxter's tone.

"The girl we picked up last night is on a rampage, destroying everything, no one's been able to hold her down!" Then Jack relaxed a bit, was that really what Daxter was so worried about? A stray little wolf, throwing a tantrum? Someone must have let her out of the silver-lined hut, it would have been impossible for her to get out herself. But surely Daxter could have handled her himself, after all, she is only female. Jack got up anyway, he fell asleep in his gear te night before, so he didn't have to change, not that it was necessary. He stalked outside, awaiting to see that the girl had only knocked a few things around, not serious. But that was not what he saw, he could hear some of his pack members screaming attack formations, could they seriously be working out a battle plan to attack one girl?

As soon as he got outside it was all chaos, some of the roundhouses and huts were completely destroyed, holes right through the walls and some even on fire! There was a newly fallen tree lying a few feet away from Jack's hut, some of the more unfortunate huts were completely smashed under it. And in the middle of all the chaos was one girl, surrounded by quite a few pack members, they were in wolf form, and in attack formation, circling her, and slowly closing in, readying themselves to pounce. Their jaws snapped and their muscles went taught in anticipation, Jack realized most of them were already hurt, their gaping wounds slowly knitting themselves together, healing, like werewolves do. And they pounced.

They sprang with incredible speed and force, coming from all directions, but somehow she dodged them effortlessly, sending them crashing into each other, then she quickly grabbed one of them by the tail, yanking him up and swinging the massive wolf body into the others. They helped but quickly recovered, pouncing at her once again, but she dodged them again, jumping into the air and landing on one of the wolf's backs, she bent down and put her arm around his thick neck, and ever so easily snapped it. The wolf crumpled to the ground, but yet another came at her charging full speed, but she gave him one full on in the face, right on the nose. Blood and saliva splattered onto her face.

Another she also effortlessly ducked under, and she flung the wolf up, sending him crashing into a nearby tree, and Jack could swear that he saw the girl grinning. With every wolf coming at her, she easely found a way to knock him out, or dodge him, or send him flying through the air. Until eventually Jack realized that the pack could in fact not handle her by themselves.

"Enough!" He ordered, and suddenly the chaos settled a little down, the wolves stopped coming at the girl, turning their heads to Jack and bowing them slightly, as if they where ashamed, and have let their leader down. But the girl turned slowly, and for the first time, Jack could clearly see her, her hair was long, and different shades of light and dark brown, hanging wildly down to her waist. She was slender, and kind of tall, then his gaze went to her face, her eyes were dark, unsettling. Her look was competitive, as if she trying to say Who are you to tell me what to do?!

He looked down and saw something glinting in her hand, it was a blade, he didn't even see her pulling it out, and judging by the dark blood dripping from it, she has used it.
All eyes were on Jack, there was complete silence, the whole pack awaiting their next command from their leader.

"I told you she was on a rampage," Daxter broke the silence.  Jack ignored him and stepped forward to meet the girl's competitive gaze, "Mind telling me why you're on a mission to destroy my pack?" Was all he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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