Chapter 3

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The door opened completely and Two-Bit came barreling in and plopped down right next to us on the couch. "Hey love birds," he said as we sprung apart and Soda, Steve and Ponyboy came in. "Hey, you guys just missed it. There was a love fest going on right here on your couch. Better than T.V. Soap operas let me tell ya."

"What? Oh hey Johnny, Alex," Sodapop, the real handsome one, said waving to us as we sat there blushing like crazy.

"Hi," I said embarrassed. Ponyboy didn't even look at us, he just walked straight into his room.

"Whats his problem?" Steve asked as he sat down on the chair and kicked off his shoes. He either forgot about what happened earlier at the Dingo or he was so oblivious and didn't think Ponyboy's outburst earlier meant he was mad at me. I was betting it was the latter.

"Maybe he's PMS-ing." Two-bit said getting up and getting a beer. I tried not the laugh, but it wasn't working very well.

"I'm gonna go talk to him." I said heading towards Pony's room, I was almost at the door when I heard Johnny, which apparently meant I had really good hearing cause no one else heard him.

"If I hear any yelling I'm coming in," he said.

"Yeah sure." was my reply as I walked into Ponyboy's room forgetting to knock, luckily he was just laying in his bed reading a book and smoking. "Hey." I said walking further into the room when he didn't yell at me.

"Would you close the door, if they see me smoking in bed they'll skin me." Pony said putting down his book.

"Oh sure." I pushed the door closed just as Soda walked by, but he didn't come in or nothin which was good. I walked over and sat on the corner of his bed.

"Want a cancer stick?" he asked sitting up and extending the carton of cigarettes out to me. I laughed at what he called them and took one, which he lit for me. We sat there in silence for what seemed like an hour. Just smoking our 'cancer sticks' as Pony called em. "I'm sorry," he finally said, "for yellin' at ya I mean."

"Oh, it's ok. I'm over it." I said smiling.

"I just like to overreact, and since it's Johnny and all. I was just being protective."

"Hey, I get that he's like you guys' little brother but you gotta give him more credit." I said taking another drag on my cigarette, getting up, and walking over to the open window.

"Yeah, I'm working on that. So are we friends?" Ponyboy asked putting out his cigarette and extending his hand.

I thought to myself a minute before flicking my cigarette out the window, and turning towards him. "Yeah, friends." I said, taking his hand.

Just then Two-bit walked in, "Hey you guys coming to the movies?" he asked.

"Yep and Pony and I are friends again." I said smiling and walking towards the door as Ponyboy tried to find his money in a pile of books on his desk.

Two-Bit gave me a look, "Friends again? I don't recall you two being friends in the first place." I glared back at him.

"So are we going to the movies or not?" Dally asked, appearing in the doorway behind Two-bit,who jumped at the sound of his voice.

"Glory Dal, scare me to death why don't ya."

"Yeah we're going." Ponyboy said as he headed towards door while trying to get one of his shoes on.

"Oh so you two are cool now?" Dallas asked lighting up a cigarette.

"Yep, as a cucumber." I said smiling.

"Come on Johnnycakes." Two-bit said as we headed for the door. Johnny got up and walked over to us as Dally pushed me out the door. Any other guy would've gotten kicked where the sun don't shine, but instead I just stumbled out onto the porch chuckling. The walk to the Nightly Double was pretty much like what I remembered from hanging out with Dally and Two-bit. Dally was whistling and gawking at any female with a pulse; Two-bit was doing pretty much the same except he had a beer in his hand which he was guzzling. Ponyboy was just walking along happily, and Johnny just kinda hung back, not saying a word or taking his eyes off the ground.

"Hey." I said falling into step with him.

"Hi." Johnny said looking up at me. I wasn't really sure how I felt about Johnny Cade, but when he looked up at me like that I knew I had feelings for him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I questioned smiling.

"Just thinking about, well, you." he said lighting up a cigarette which I stole from him, and took a puff before handing it back.

"Oh really now, better be good things."

Johnny took a drag off the weed and looked up at me, "Maybe." By then we'd reached the Nightly Double.

"We sneakin' in or is Alex too good for that?" Two-bit asked.

"Too good?" I said with mock horror, "I'm the toughest greaser girl around, I'm not 'too good' for anything!" I laughed as I catapulted over the fence.

"Well look at what we have here." I heard someone say as I landed on the other side of the fence. I looked up to see the Socs from earlier at school only now there was two more of them. The guys were on the other side of the fence and standing around me before I could blink.

"You better watch yourself Soc!" Ponyboy shouted at them.

"Yeah unless you want me to beat you up again." I smirked in their direction. By now Dally and Two-bit had their blades out, guess we aren't avoiding this fight. I thought. I looked next to me for Johnny, he was right there but he was looking down at the ground. I had apparently been looking down too long cause when I looked back at them Dally had a Soc on the ground punching him, Two-bit was laughing and fighting (clearly he was already drunk.), and two of em had Pony on the ground. I looked around for a weapon, and felt someone grab my arm- it was Johnny.

"Watch out." he said pulling me to the side as a Soc, who was apparently trying to tackle me, came flying past. He got up quick, though, and headed for Johnny, luckily I was faster than him and tripped him as he ran. As he fell, another Soc who apparently had enough of beating the snot out of Pony came over to us, "That's it you greasy b*t*h!" he yelled. Johnny looked terrified and confused as one of the guy's ring clad fists collided with my face and I stumbled back falling onto the ground.

Johnny's POV:

I watched in horror as the Soc with the rings, the same Soc who beat me up a few weeks ago, punched Alex in the face. I realized by now we had an audience of greasers and Socs watching on, but not even trying to help. Dally ran over leaving a guy on the ground unconscious, and grabbed the Soc that Alex had tripped

"Go get her I got this goon." he yelled pounding the Socs head. I looked over once to see Two-bit, helping Ponyboy up. Then I ran and pulled the guy with the rings off Alex. I didn't wanna look at her at I knew I had taken a bit of time and he must've did some damage, so I just punched the guy as hard I could and sent him barreling down. I finally looked down at her, she looked unconscious, with brusies on her arms, a cut on her face and the cut from her dad was open and bleeding. Alex looked like a mess, I picked her up and sighed thankfully realizing she was light and started walking/running off to the exit with the guys following.

Alex's POV:

As the Soc held down my arms and beat my face in, I felt myself blackout. The next thing I realized somebody was carrying me and we were running. I prayed it was one of the guys and not a Soc, but I didn't feel like opening my eyes yet cause my head was throbbing. When I heard cars I figured we were on the street and on the way to the Curtis'. I opened my eyes and looked up at Johnny, "Why are you carrying me?" I asked.

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