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"Congratulations. I'm proud of you." Lord Marshall smiled.

"No. Not congratulations." Kyra shook her head.

"What? I'm not understanding-"

"We have a group of the rarest, elite group of supernaturals coming after us, which makes no sense because they're rare and powerful. What would they want with a vamp-kitsune?" Carlos asked.

"You are the only cross-breeds. Everyone wants to get their hands on a cross-breed for many reasons. Those reasons may be money, testing, or shifting them into their own mutated creation. So, unfortunately, people will never stop coming after you. No matter how powerful, how rare, they will forever come after you. I'm sorry." The Lord Marshall looked down.


"Here it is. Your wolfsbane against werewolves." Darrin stood with the wooden box next to him.

"Thanks, but I no longer have any use of this. I have a proposal for you." Kyra shifted her weight onto her right leg. "Come in." She moved out of the way.

Darrin brought the box with him and walked inside the new house they had bought.

"Your proposal?"

"I'm in deep shit. I need protection. I need another head...someone who has connections like you. Someone who knows stuff that I don't." Kyra sat down on the couch across from him.

"So, from what I hear..." He sat down on the couch. "You want me to be your bodyguard, correct?"

"Correct. And an informant."

He sat in silence, thinking. He looked back up at her.

"How deep is the shit you're in?" He questioned.


"What is it now?"

"I cannot discuss those details of the situation with you until you are officially one of us."

He looked around, staring the boys in their eyes. He turned his attention on Kyra.

"You will not be getting paid as much. I'm running low on funds, after paying all of your old crew. You'll still recieve your money for delivering this package." Kyra leaned forward.

"Alright. I'll join." He nodded.

"Why is that?" Prince questioned. He looked at Prince.

"Because I want to help."

"Because you want to help, or because you just want to be in somebody else's business-"

"Listen. If you think I'm joining to get with your girl, or to be in someone's business, you got it all wrong. I have a family. A beautiful wife and two kids. I'm doing it because I want to help." He fired at Prince.

Prince looked him up and down before leaning back in his seat.

"You want to be a part of this?" Kyra asked.


"You won't turn against us, will you?"


"And as our bodyguard, you'll keep us safe if all four of them fail to keep us safe?"


Kyra smirked, gesturing towards the chair. "Have a seat."


Thursday, July 21, 2016
4:16 p.m.
8 Months Later

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